wideband signal

[计] 宽带信号

  • The main work includes the following aspects : 1 . This paper first introduces the basic model of signal involving the wideband signal and narrow-band signal . In the meantime it explains a typical LFM signaling expression and analyzes its time domain and frequency domain properties .

    主要工作如下:1.本文首先介绍了信号的基本模型,对 宽带 信号和窄带信号的定义做了简单的介绍,同时给出了典型的LFM信号表达式,并分析了其时域和频域的特性。

  • Then we apply circular array with wideband signal .

    然后,研究分析了将 宽带 信号应用于圆阵的 数字波束形成性能。

  • Third I have researched high-speed pseudo random numbers generator PLL frequency synthesizer wideband signal amplifier microtrip power synthesizer raised cosine filters and so on .

    第三个方面,研究了 宽带微波 信号放大器、微带大功率合成器、高速伪随机码发生器、锁相频率综合器、升余弦脉冲成型滤波器等辅助系统。

  • The Research of Signal Selecting Method of Wideband Signal Direction Finding System

    宽带 测向系统信号选择方法的研究

  • An adaptive simulation method for the design of array with frequency invariant response is proposed and is used to construct beamformer matrix to focus a wideband signal .

    提出一种设计频率不变响应基阵的自适应模拟方法,并将其用于构造波束形成矩阵来实现 宽带 信号的聚焦。

  • According to the features of wideband underwater acoustic signal a solving method of wideband ambiguity fuction based on Mellin transform was put forward and the wideband signal processing based on fast Mellin transform algorithm was studied .

    根据宽带水声信号的特点,提出了一种基于梅林变换的宽带模糊函数求解方法,研究了基于快速梅林变换算法的 宽带 信号处理。

  • Two ways to get highlight information of underwater complex target using wideband signal

    利用 宽带 信号获得水中复杂目标亮点信息的两种方法

  • The wideband signal is very widely used in array signal processing for its valuable property for example wideband signal is adopted in radar to improve detecting resolution and also wideband signal is used in audio signal processing sonar and communication .

    随着阵列信号处理越来越广泛的应用,遇到了越来越多的 宽带 信号,如雷达采用宽带信号来改善分辨率,音频处理、声纳和通信中也广泛采用宽带信号。

  • Simulation of Error Analysis of Wideband Signal Delay Sampling Method

    宽带 信号延迟采样方法误差分析仿真研究

  • AML algorithm for short sampling wideband signal DOA estimation based on Metropolis-Hastings sampling

    基于Metropolis-Hastings抽样短采样 宽带 信号方位估计AML算法

  • Wideband Signal Detection Algorithm in Local Stationary Colored Gaussian Reverberation Model Background

    局部平稳高斯色噪声混响模型下的 宽带 信号检测算法

  • Design and analysis of a CPW-fed broadband microstrip slot antenna Wideband signal interferometry direction-finding based on sub-bands decomposition

    共面波导宽频带微带缝隙天线的设计与分析基于子频带分解的 宽带 信号干涉法测向算法

  • A novel received beam forming method based on stretch processing and phase compensation in the presence of wideband signal and large scanning angle is presented and the realization chart is given .

    提出了一种采用拉伸处理和相位补偿技术的 宽带宽角接收 波束形成新方法,给出了实现示意框图。

  • So the wideband signal DOA ( Direction of Arrival ) estimation becomes more and more important .

    随着 宽带 信号的广泛应用,对其波达方向的估计越来越受到普遍关注。

  • The Wideband Signal Processing in the Smart Antenna

    智能天线中的 宽带 信号处理

  • Ultra-Wideband Wireless Communications and SAW Wideband Signal Processing Technology

    超宽带无线通信与声表面波 宽带 信号处理技术

  • Study of Wideband Signal ISAR Imaging and Detection

    宽带 信号ISAR成像与检测研究

  • This dissertation is devoted to the study of two aspects of the wideband signal processing the DOA estimation and tracking . The main researching work is as follow . ( 1 ) Effects of nonzero bandwidth on narrowband array algorithm .

    本文对 宽带 信号的阵列测向和DOA跟踪问题进行了比较深入的研究,主要的研究工作集中在下面所列的几个方面:(1)非零带宽对窄带阵列算法的影响。

  • Wideband Signal High Accuracy Sampling and Signal Reconstruction Using Multi-Channel Method

    宽带 信号的多通道高精度采样与信号重构方法

  • Wideband signal interferometry direction-finding based on sub-bands decomposition

    基于子频带分解的 宽带 信号干涉法测向算法

  • Chaotic wideband signal has many advantages such as good correlation low probability of detection and high security . But its generation and synchronization is difficult .

    宽带混沌 信号拥有良好的相关特性、低截获概率和高保密性等优点,但其产生和同步比较困难。

  • Wideband signal high accuracy sampling and signal reconstruction are the key technique of wideband digital receiver and high-accuracy instrument ( digital filter and spectrum analyzer ) in modern communication system and radar system .

    宽带 信号的高精度采样及其重构问题是现代通信系统、雷达系统中的宽带数字接收机和高性能仪器仪表(如数字滤波器、频谱分析仪等)系统中的关键技术。

  • In contrast to narrowband signal processing wideband signal processing can result in the worsening of digital range sensitivity and multiple signals processing etc.

    相对于窄带而言, 宽带会导致数字动态、灵敏度、多 信号处理等变差。

  • Study on Critical Technologies in Ultra Wideband Signal Monitoring System

    宽带 信号监测处理中关键技术研究

  • On the basis of the research achievements a short-wave wideband signal detection system based on digital receiver is constructed which realizes the basic function of normal signal searching burst signal detection and capture as well as frequency-hopping signal detection and extraction .

    在研究成果的基础上,基于数字化接收机构建了短波 宽带 信号监测系统,实现了常规信号搜索、突发信号检测与捕获和跳频检测与提取等基本功能。

  • Two kinds of typical wideband signal Line Frequency Modulation ( LFM ) signal and Hyperbola Frequency Modulation ( HFM ) signal is analyzed qualitatively with WAF . Then the author obtain Doppler tolerant signal and time-scale combine resolution signal .

    宽带模糊度函数为工具对线性调频信号和双曲调频信号在 多径环境中进行了定性的分析,获得了多普勒宽容信号和时延尺度二维联合分辨信号。

  • That can be certain reference for new type radar wideband signal designing .

    对新型雷达 宽带 信号的设计具有一定的参考价值。

  • Wideband signal or even ultra-wideband signal is widely used in the array system at present however traditional algorithms are only limited to narrowband signal processing .

    目前阵列系统广泛应用 宽带 信号甚至超宽带信号,而传统算法仅局限于处理窄带信号。

  • Based on the paired-echo theory the effect of waveguide dispersion on performance of the wideband signal pulse compression was analyzed and the corresponding expression derived .

    基于成对回波理论,针对波导色散对 宽带 信号脉压的影响进行了理论分析,推导出了具体的数学表达式。

  • Wideband Digital Array Radar ( WDAR ) is a fully digitized array antenna radar in which wideband signal waveform is transmitted and digital beam forming ( DBF ) technology is used in receiving and transmitting .

    宽带数字阵列雷达是采用 宽带 信号波形、发射和接收都使用数字技术和波束形成技术的阵列天线雷达。