wide character

[waɪd ˈkærəktɚ][waid ˈkæriktə]


  • The C + + standard defines the wchar_t wide character type .

    C++标准定义了wchart 字符类型。

  • So can a new topic of the national style be found out nowadays ? Take a wide view at the development and change of Chinese modern interior decoration style pursuing and groping for national character and ages constitute the main line .

    那么在当今能否找出表现民族风格的一个新题目? 纵观中国现代室内设计风格的发展与变迁,民族 与时代性的追求与探索始终构成了贯穿的主线。

  • In general the wide character and unicode support is mostly there in the compiler but the text processing tools aren 't quite up to par yet .

    一般而言, 字符和unicode支持主要体现在编译器中,但是文本处理工具还没有达到标准。

  • DB2 9 supports a variety of languages with a wide range of attributes like accent marks ( French ) bidirectional ( Arabic ) and large character set ( Chinese ) .

    DB29支持具有不同属性的 各种语言,比如重音符号(法语)、双向(阿拉伯语)和大 字符集(中文)。

  • Imaging as a new function of radar has been wide used in the world . It can greatly enhance the ability of information acquirement for its all time and all weather character so it has a great value both in the civil and in the military .

    成像作为雷达的一个新的功能在国内外已被 广泛应用,它具有全天时,全天候的 特点,可以大大提高雷达的信息获取能力,其对军用和民用均有重要的使用价值。

  • This article introduces the structures and the functions of China Modern Distance Education Satellite Wide Band Multimedia Transmission System the education information transmitted by the system . It also briefly analyses the alter - nation character and the courseware exploitation of the system .

    本文介绍了中国现代远程教育卫星 宽带多媒体传输系统的结构与功能,系统所传输的教育信息,并对系统的 交互性和课件开发进行了简要的分析。

  • Wavelet analysis is a new mathematical method and has acquired wide application in the field due to its fine character of making analysis according to multiple resolutions in time and frequency domains .

    小波分析是一种新的数学方法,根据其时间-频率等多分辨率分析的优良 特性,在 许多方面获得 广泛应用。

  • The house security has very wide range and simultaneously has the character of the social insurance the social succor the social welfare and the social veterans special treatment and directs to a special object so the House Security Institution is a compound and special security system .

    住房保障的范围 广泛,兼具社会保险、社会救济、社会福利和社会优抚等多种 性质,因此住房保障制度是一种复合型的特殊保障制度。

  • In her writings Wang Hailing shapes a wide range of female images characterized by vivid character and profound impression whose idea pursuing and living manner unavoidably take on special development and change while impacted in consumption era .

    在这些作品中, 王海鸰给我们塑造了一批 性格鲜明、印象深刻的女性形象,这些女性在消费时代的冲击下,她们的思想追求和生活方式等也不可避免的呈现出特殊的发展变化。

  • According to the characters of 3D C 1 coherence algorithm and considering wide application of 3D seismic exploration in many ore areas we develop a practical application program for 3D seismic data processing with emphasis on the character of 3D seismic data cube .

    根据三维C1相干算法的特点,结合三维地震数据体的 特点,考虑到三维地震勘探在各 矿区的 全面普及,针对三维地震资料开发出了一套实用的应用程序进行相干处理和解释。

  • The general characteristics of Youth peer group including : the free and equal membership ; the strong group cohesion ; a wide range of exchange ; the distinctive Asian cultural identity of groups ; the Strong influence of core character .

    同辈群体的一般特征包括:成员关系自由平等;群体凝聚力强;相互交流内容 广泛;群体亚文化特征明显;核心 人物影响力大。

  • But its high efficiency and wide band character can cover the shortage .

    但相信其高效率, 宽带 特性足以弥补这一不足。

  • Based on the background of sturdy and wide theory making macroscopic arrangement of theoretical research of contemporary prose entering the heart of writers through intensive reading On Chinese Contemporary Prose 》 shows individual character of contemporary prose .

    《中国当代散文论》以扎实 开阔的理论基础为背景,对当代散文理论研究进行了宏观上的梳理和把握,并以对文本的细读深入作家的心灵世界,展示了当代散文的个性 特征

  • Recurring of Chinese calligraphic character has a wide spectrum of promising application in many areas such as virtual reality character recognition and distance education .

    它在虚拟现实、 文字识别、远程教育具有 广泛的应用前景和经济价值,并对传播和弘扬中国民族文化有着重要作用。

  • The combination of wavelet theory and fractal theory could be applied to the PD pattern recognition . The combination have a wide outlook in insulation diagnosis and have theoretical values of character information of pattern recognition for future measuring on-line in GIS .

    表明小波理论和分形理论互补应用于局部放电模式识别具有 广阔的前景,为进一步进行GIS局部放电诊断提供了新的 特征信息,具有一定的理论价值。

  • This stage documents information collection system used in a wide range of technology includes optical character recognition ( OCR ) and radio frequency tag identification ( RFID ) .

    现阶段证件信息采集系统中使用的 较为 广泛的技术包括光学 字符识另(OCR)和射频标签识另(RFID)。

  • The saline soil has a very wide distribution in our country . Saline soil in each place has its obvious character of causes of forming composition and characteristic . Therefore damage of the roads in different saline soil areas is not same too .

    我国盐渍土分布较 广,各地盐渍土的成因、组成和特征都有其明显 特点,因此不同地区盐渍土的道路危害亦有所不同。

  • Due to wide application prospects character recognition has been developing quickly and is practically used in OCR and vehicle license plate recognition fields now .

    字符识别技术由于具有 广阔的应用前景,得到了快速的发展,至今为止,已经成功运用于OCR以及车牌识别中。

  • Because of wide source stable performance and the character close to the murals lime cream and its composite materials have been widely used for the remedy and protection of frescos that have_been torn off .

    灰膏及其复合材料由于 材质接近壁画本体,来源 广泛、性能稳定,在已揭取壁画的修复保护中被广泛使用。

  • The content of college PE teachers ' quality is very wide . There are not only the basic demands of moral character knowledge structure and specialized skills but also the higher demands of teaching opinion scientific research level and creative ability .

    高校体育教师的素质结构内容 丰富,既有思想 品德、知识结构、专业技能等方面的基本要求,又有教学观念、科研水平、创新能力等方面的较高要求。

  • True time delay technology used by fiber gratings has the advantages of wide band 、 good select frequency character 、 small cubage and flexible design but it cannot integrate other array units and makes system complex .

    光栅的选频 特性优良、体积小,采用光纤光栅的真延时技术设计灵活,可实现 带宽工作,但是系统复杂,难以封装。

  • The mobile function is more richness the antenna size is smaller the frequency band is more wide while the antenna character requirement becomes more strictly .

    手机功能越来越丰富,体积越来越小,频率范围越来越 ,而 性能要求却更高。

  • Players should be able to gain exposure to a wide variety of skills but no one character will be able to master all skills .

    玩家能够看到 很多种类的技能,但没有 能精通所有技能。

  • ZHANG Ling 's cultural view of novel is open and wide with intentional lessening nostalgia mainly about migrant searching for the theme with general character of human beings probing into the incomplete beauty with artistic conception and unique demonstration .

    张翎的小说文化视野开放 开阔,有意淡化乡愁,立足移民题材,着力开掘带有人类 共性的寻求主题,探究残缺美,艺术构思与表现精巧别致,用意虽深但能举重若轻。

  • On the bright side Battlegrounds sounds like it has something to offer to a wide range of character levels .

    令人高兴的是,战场系统听上去对 角色的等级要求放的很

  • On the basis of case study the author makes a wide range of research on mountain hermit character Tao Lin Bu Zhang Dai and typical mountain seclusion cultural behavior and phenomena from the multi-angle .

    本文还以个案研究作为研究的基础,对陶渊明、林 、张岱等具有代表性的山居隐逸 人物以及典型的山居隐逸文化行为和现象等,进行了多方面的考察和研究。