wholesale business

[ˈholˌsel ˈbɪznɪs][ˈhəʊlˌseɪl ˈbiznis]


  • First big state-owned banks should focus on wholesale business especially to high quality clients .

    具体提出了如下建议:四大国有银行& 主攻 批发 业务,尤其是针对优质大客户的 业务

  • Stakeholders in apparel wholesale business value chain are including : government developers investors operators and consumers .

    服饰 批发 市场 商业 项目价值链利益相关者包括:政府、开发商、投资者、经营者以及终端消费者。

  • This restaurant 's dishware is from my parent 's wholesale business .

    这餐厅的餐碗碟筷都是我父母 经营 批发 公司供应的。

  • To cooperate with its wholesale business he has been asking me to open a online shop in Taobao with him so recently I read a lot of books about how to start a online shop to see if it is profitable .

    一直想找我帮忙开一家淘宝 ,所以最近经常看有关开 网店知识的书籍,看看是否有利可图。

  • China ′ s industrial consumables wholesale business is the breakout of the circulation system reform .

    批发 企业是目前我国商品流通领域中最为薄弱的一个环节。

  • Corporate banking is the banking business provided to corporate clients by a commercial bank as opposed to individual retail business wholesale business . Corporate banking includes assets business liabilities business and intermediate business .

    公司业务是商业银行以公司客户为服务对象的银行业务,是相对于个人零售业务而言的 批发 业务,主要包括资产、负债和中间业务。

  • And the management has proved successful in changing the focus of its wholesale business towards higher-margin structured and derivative products while improving the unit 's cost-income ratio .

    管理层成功地将银行核心 业务批发转向高利润率的结构性衍生产品,同时提高了单位成本收益比。

  • This passage analyses the present situation of Linyi 's wholesale business market and the promotion it does to the city .

    本文分析了临沂市 商业 批发市场发展的现状及其对城市发展的促进作用。

  • He does wholesale business while his brother is engaged in retail business .

    他经营 批发 生意,他弟弟则经营零售生意。

  • Conceptualize customer-focused operation to do retail and wholesale business ;

    树立以客户为中心的经营理念,积极发展零售和 批发 业务

  • Development and Alteration of Wholesale Business in China and Analysis of Causes

    我国 批发 发展变化及原因分析

  • The UK regulatory authorities have agreed to consider applications from Chinese banks to set up branches for wholesale business in the UK ; the UK also encourages Chinese companies to issue RMB-denominated bonds at the London Stock Exchange .

    英方监管机构欢迎中资银行在英开设从事 批发 业务的分行和中资机构在伦敦证券交易所发行人民币计价产品。

  • Wholesale business wholesale business to business generally each approved the sale of large quantities of goods in accordance with the wholesale price .

    批发 业务一般由批发企业来经营,每次批售的商品数量较大,并按批发价格出售。

  • Traditional retail business and wholesale business open the new mode of online marketing of having no shop ;

    传统的零售业和 批发 开创了“无店铺网上营销”的新模式;

  • It is considered that industrial consumables wholesale business is the important and indispensable industry for the economic development .

    本文认为工业消费品 批发 ,是经济发展的重要行业,不可或缺。

  • Many in the liquor wholesale business have had to quit .

    已有许多人退出烈酒 批发 生意

  • Mainly engage in production and sale concurrently running wholesale Business

    以自产自销为主,兼营 批发 业务

  • Under the commodity economy the existence of the wholesale business is objective and inevitable .

    在商品经济条件下, 批发 的存在是客观的并有其存在的必然性。

  • As for credit risk management in portfolio management under its restrictive structure and infrastructure JP Morgan applies a wide range of credit distribution and loan structures to manage industry concentration and wholesale business that are under single titles .

    信用风险管理方面,摩根大通在其业务组合管理中,通过其限制性结构和基层结构,利用多元化的信用分布和贷款结构,来管理 批发 业务和行业内的集中情况。

  • It is broadly representative of a wholesale business .

    这是具有广泛代表性的一个 典型

  • Several opinions of China 's wholesale business

    我对中国 批发 的几点看法

  • Mel Ziegler : I grew up in Scranton where my father had a small wholesale business selling tobacco cigarettes and candy .

    父亲 经营着一家小 批发店,主要卖烟草、香烟和糖果等。

  • It also represented a break with some of the strategies he had spearheaded under Mr Nardelli most significantly the expansion of the wholesale business .

    这也代表着脱离在纳尔代利领导下他曾带头执行的一些战略,其中最为重要的是 批发 业务的扩张。

  • It is our intention to confine ourselves to the wholesale business of silk goods .

    本公司 专门 经营各种丝制品的 批发 业务

  • Prada said its retail network now contributes 78 per cent of net revenues up from 71 per cent a year earlier while its wholesale business makes up the remainder and is forecast to shrink further this year .

    普拉达表示,其零售网络目前贡献公司净收入的78%,较一年前的71%有所上升, 批发 业务贡献剩余的部分,预计这部分 业务在公司净收入中所占比例今年将进一步缩小。

  • We undertake wholesale business as well as retail business .

    我们既承担零售业务,又承担 批发 业务

  • If you want to do wholesale business don 't go to retailers .

    如果你们想做 批发 生意,不要去拜访零售商。

  • RBS will take over ABN 's wholesale business as well as its Asian operations .

    苏格兰皇家银行将接管荷兰银行的 批发 业务和亚洲业务。