
[hup, hwup, wup][wu:p]




  • I couldn 't stop myself from letting out a whoop of excitement which made my horse go faster .

    我无法抑止自己激昂的 呐喊,这让我的马儿奔跑得更快。

  • The war whoop of the American Indian was bloodcurdling .

    美洲印第安人的作战 杀声使人毛骨悚然。

  • Let 's go to the party and whoop it up .

    咱们去参加晚会, 狂欢一下吧。

  • She whoops with delight at a promise of money .

    因为有可能 获得一笔钱而高兴得 大叫

  • When the land was seen the sailor let out a whoop of joy .

    当看见陆地时,那水手发出一 欢呼

  • As I delivered the tray complete with a nicely frozen snowman I waited for a reaction . There was none but as I headed down the stairs I heard a whoop of laughter and then You 've won !

    我端着早餐上楼,盘面上放着那个冻结实的小雪人,我期待着他的反应什么也没有但就在我下楼时,我听到 放声大笑 起来,紧接着, 说道:你赢了!

  • Analysis and Countermeasure on Primary Fan Vibration Whoop for a 600 MW Unit

    国产600MW机组一次风机 喘振分析及对策

  • He gave a whoop of joy when he saw his new bicycle .

    他看到自己的新自行车时, 高兴 叫了 起来

  • The Republicans made a great whoop and a holler about the honesty of federal employees .

    共和党人 大肆宣传联邦政府官员的廉洁问题。

  • You know real exciting then whoop like a cheer .

    就是,真的令人兴奋,然后 大叫,就像欢呼那种。

  • Every spring they whoop it up for the circus .

    每年春天他们都要替马戏团 大加 宣传

  • He gave a whoop of delight .

    他发出一 欢呼

  • Eight Years of Whoop by Environmental Bedlamite

    环保狂人的8年 呐喊

  • He would later regret that prediction as the Confederates purchased the British guns and used them to whoop the Union in the early battles of the war .

    随后,他会后悔做出该预言的,因为南部联盟军购买了英国的枪支, 还在此战争的早期战场中利用这些枪支向联邦 发出战争 叫嚣

  • As she played the last winning shot he gave a whoop of triumph .

    当她打出最后一个决胜的球时,他发出了一 胜利的欢呼。

  • He later gave a whoop of joy as he approached a microphone to address the crowd .

    在对着麦克风要向观众讲话 ,他发出了兴奋的 叫喊

  • Back in the White House I let out a whoop of joy and relief .

    回到白宫后,我发出了一 兴奋的欢呼,松了一口气。