


  • Exclusive distribution refers to the fact that there is only one wholesaler or retailer who selling a product or providing a certain service .

    独野合 指的是只要一个零售商和 批发商出卖产品或者 必定的服务。

  • Get back to me for specification if your are a manufacturer or a wholesaler .

    规范还给我,如果你是一个制造商或一 批发商

  • It has established a Casablanca sales subsidiary that has partnered with a Moroccan cigarette wholesaler to market brands such as Winston and Camel domestically and in Algeria Tunisia and Israel .

    它成立了卡萨布兰卡销售子公司,该公司与一摩洛哥卷烟 批发商合作,在国内及阿尔及利亚、突尼斯和以色列等国销售云丝顿和骆驼牌卷烟。

  • Manage daily work of wholesale team and wholesaler channel effectively striving to reach sales target .

    有效的管理批发团队和 批发商的日常工作,努力达到 既定的销售目标。

  • In offices which only network with other businesses as might be the case with a wholesaler a receptionist is still a vital member of the team .

    只在办公室与其他企业网络,可能是一个 批发商的情况下,一个接待员仍然是一个团队的重要成员。

  • A businessman who sells goods in bulk is called a wholesaler .

    一个大批量出售货物的商人被称作 批发商

  • These are used to create profiles for each wholesaler .

    这是 日常的工作 通过与 批发商 正式 会谈

  • Wholesale Price Model of Wholesaler and Retailer in Supply Chain

    供应链中 批发商和零售商的批发价格模型

  • PIN ( Hong Kong ) Limited is a manufacturer exporter and wholesaler of natural gemstone and fine jewelry .

    PIN香港有限公司是一家集生产,出口及 批发天然宝石及珠宝首饰于一身的公司。

  • We are a direct manufacturer supplier and wholesaler particular specializes in ivory imitation carvings .

    本公司于 中国 设工场,专门制作及 批发 各类 工艺品,其中以仿象牙制品为主。

  • Attention : All products we all may deliver goods for ours wholesaler as well as the business agent oh !

    注意:所有的产品我们都可以为我们的 批发商以及代理商发货哦!

  • We are Distributor Wholesaler of Red-Wine products mainly dealing with Australia and French Red-Wines .

    我们分发和推广 红酒许多餐厅和酒吧。

  • We 're the largest furniture wholesaler in illinois .

    我们是伊利诺伊州最大的家具 批发商

  • Retailers buy goods directly from the manufacturer or from a wholesaler .

    零售商直接从制造商或从 批发商 那里购买商品。

  • Longest running legal importer wholesaler needs a new supplier we have thousands of buyers and thousands more we can have .

    运行时间最长的法律进口商 批发商,需要我们有成千上万的买家和数千我们可以有一个新的供应商。

  • Pat Jr. : I have a reliable wholesaler here that can ship our product to you .

    小帕特:我在本地有个可靠的 批发商可以运我们的产品给你。

  • They 're agents . they 're going to New York to see a wholesaler .

    他们是代理人。他们要到纽约去见 批发商

  • The shopkeeper has gone to the wholesaler to buy new products .

    店主到 批发商 进货去了。

  • It also speeds up payments to agro-dealers and helps them build better links with the wholesaler suppliers .

    他还加速了对农业经销商的支付,帮助他们与 批发供应商建立更好的联系。

  • I enjoy a good business relationship with all the leading wholesaler and retailer in that line .

    我同这一行业中的所有大 批发商和零售商有着很好的业务联系。

  • To wholesaler the models can obtain order strategy for multiple products under capital constraint .

    批发商 而言,该模型可获得资金约束条件下多产品的订购策略。

  • Determined to become a professional K-GOLD jewellery manufacturer wholesaler .

    立志成为专业的K-GOLD首饰制造、 批发商

  • We are garment manufacturer exporter & wholesaler of baby 's Wear and accessories .

    得宝 实业公司是一家集服装制造、出口及 批发为一体的私营 企业

  • Could you tell me you are a wholesaler or trader ?

    请问,你方是 批发商还是贸易商?

  • I am a wholesaler not a retailer .

    我是 批发商,不是零售商。

  • A discount from the list price of a commodity allowed by a manufacturer or wholesaler to a merchant .

    制造商或 批发商同意的价格折扣。

  • Farther down the road is the Fu Zhong hardware and furniture wholesaler .

    一路下去, 还能 看到福中五金 和家具 批发商

  • The management of materials information and finances as they move from supplier to manufacturer to wholesaler to retailer to consumer .

    对从供应商,到生产商、 批发商、零售商, 最终到客户这整个过程 当中的原料、信息和财务的管理。

  • The government ban on civil servants drinking at lunchtime has had a huge impact on my business said Shao Li a liquor retailer and wholesaler in Xinyang .

    政府禁止公务员在午餐时间喝酒,对我的业务产生了巨大冲击,信阳市一名烈酒零售及 批发商 邵力(音译)说。

  • Our standard unit price to the wholesaler is 23.5 .

    我们给 批发商的标准单价是23.5。