



  • Wholehearted service makes you felt delicate considerateness and care .

    全身 的服务使您感受到入微的体贴与关怀。

  • I hope letting coming love alone wholehearted and the love .

    我只是想 真心 一个人来爱和被爱。

  • I give my wholehearted support to the forthcoming China Now festival .

    布朗对即将开始的“时代中国”大型文化活动 表示 全力支持。

  • Wish my wholehearted blessing accompany you forever especially when it is your birthday .

    祈愿 忠诚的祝福,永远陪伴着你,特别是现在,当你生日 来临 时刻

  • I think the general public will favour your policy to a degree but you must make more radical reforms to gain their wholehearted support .

    我以为全体民众会在一定程度上赞成你们的政策,但我们必须进行更彻底的改革,以赢得他们的 全力支持。

  • A wholehearted attitude and outlook brimming with confidence towards a higher goal .


  • The Government deserves our wholehearted support for having taken a step in this direction .

    政府已朝这个方向迈进了一步,理应得到我们的 全力支持。

  • Give one 's wholehearted support

    给予 全心全意的支持

  • She looks very weary with a weight on her mind . I want to give her my wholehearted support .

    她心事重重,看上去很疲惫,我真 心想帮助她。

  • But he had balked at throwing his wholehearted support behind uprisings against Kadafi and Syria 's Bashar Assad urging reform and reconciliation .

    但是他在对抗卡扎菲和叙利亚的巴沙尔阿萨德的起义发生后,拒绝给予 全力支持,反而呼吁改革和和解。

  • Day by day we gradually are mature and anxious to embrace love one wholehearted love .

    日复一日,我们逐渐成熟,并急于拥抱爱,一个 真心的爱。

  • He had the wholehearted backing of the younger members .

    他得到年轻成员 全心全意 大力支持。

  • The masses give wholehearted support to this policy .

    群众 真心拥护这项政策。

  • In this way I think my father he can think of is to give my wholehearted love I can make this impunity unreservedly to miss him .

    这样,我想爸爸时,能想到的都是他给予我的 满腔慈爱,这能使我可以毫无顾忌、毫无保留地去怀念他。

  • Honest honest morals make me have known how to use wholehearted with pay out to get the repayment of others I will go to strive for my space with effort and wisdom let society hold me .

    诚实正直的品格使我懂得了如何用 真心与付出去获取别人的回报,我会用努力与智慧去争取我的空间,让社会来容纳我。

  • In his Canberra speech Mr Abe went on to tell stories about Australian forgiveness for Japan and state his great and wholehearted gratitude .

    在堪培拉发表的演讲中,安倍接着叙述了澳大利亚宽恕日本的故事,并申明了他极大和 由衷的感谢。

  • We would like to express our wholehearted support for the campaign .

    我们想表达我们对这次运动的 全力支持。

  • Thanks to your wholehearted assistance .

    感谢你们的 热诚帮助。

  • As wholehearted love should only appear in novels this community is increasingly not welcome regardless of all the love .

    那样 全身 的爱只应出现在小说里,这个社会越来越不欢迎不顾一切的爱。

  • We Bing to sincerely awaiting your wholehearted cooperation !

    我们秉以诚心,等待您的 竭诚合作!

  • This opera finely brings out his spirit of wholehearted dedication to the revolution .

    这个戏很好地表现了他 全心全意献身革命的精神。

  • Although Gerald offered his wholehearted support I can 't help feeling he 's playing some deep games of his own .

    尽管杰拉尔德主动提供 全力支持,但我仍不由得感觉他在背地 搞鬼。

  • There was something so wholehearted and unusual and seemingly sympathetic in this man 's voice .

    这个人的声音里有一种 真心诚意,不同寻常,好象是同情的 成份

  • He had the wholehearted backing of the armed forces .

    他得到军队 全心全意的支持。

  • He set an example of wholehearted service to the people .

    他是 全心全意为人民服务的表率。