
[ˈhwɪtl:, ˈwɪtl:][ˈwɪtl]



  • While the military gap between China and the United States may remain for some time he argued china 's faster economic growth and increasing political strength may whittle down america 's overall advantage .

    他辩称,尽管中国和美国相比,军事上还有一段时间的差距,但中国更快的经济增长和日趋强大的政治实力应可 削减美国的总体优势。

  • Your article is too long try to whittle it away to half its length .

    你的文章太长了,要设法 删减到原有长度的一半。

  • Other ways to whittle down banks are thinkable .

    另外 一些 削减银行的办法是值得考虑的。

  • Sure I bet he could uh whittle a private little dance floor for the two ofyou .

    当然,我 打赌他能为你们俩做一个私人的舞台。

  • This uses a succession of cues to whittle away the alternatives until only one remains .

    这一方法使用一连串线索来 逐渐 减少 排除 选项,直到最后只剩下一个选项。

  • The president has agreed to whittle down his proposal .

    总统已经同意 减少他的提案。

  • Their resistance and boycott threat might instead be more of an effort to whittle down the markup that Rio Tinto is seeking in current contract negotiations .

    他们的反对和抵制威胁或许更是一种为 打击力拓的涨价企图而采取的 策略

  • Just whittle it down you know ?


  • I am told by several banks that one of the ways they whittle down thousands of applicants to the 200-300 that they interview each year is by looking for relevant work experience or internships .

    几家银行告诉我,它们每年把数千名应聘者 大幅 削减到面试的二三百人,所用的方法之一,就是看他们有 没有相关的工作经验或实习经验。

  • They are trying to whittle down our salaries .

    他们正着手 削减我们的薪水。

  • Ultimately Mr. Penn said Uber wants to whittle Beijing 's time down to five minutes .

    Penn称,Uber希望最终 北京 客户 等待时间降至五分钟。

  • Chitty sat in his rocking-chair whittling wood .

    奇蒂坐在摇椅上 着木头。

  • The recent election results have whittle away the government 's power .

    最近的选举结果 削弱了政府的权力。

  • We whittle it down to two .

    慢慢地,我们 减少到了两项。

  • This can not only whittle the devils head of the latter try various powerful weapons kill the Japanese aggressors !

    这次可不仅仅是 大刀向鬼子们的头上 去了,试试各种强力的武器,干掉日本鬼子!

  • Eventually users can whittle that fee down to nothing by tying their computers to The Pirate Bay 's cloud network .

    不过,如果用户愿意把自己的电脑加入海盗湾的“云”计算网络,那么他们的 月费就可以被 减免

  • Sarah Whittle : You did just see three monkeys go by on a motorcycle ; right ?

    莎拉:你刚才正好看见一辆摩托车上有三 驴,是吧?

  • Their approach is to whittle away at the evidence to show reasonable doubt .

    他们的做法是要 削弱证据的 说服 以提出合理的质疑。

  • Make this plug smaller for me but don 't whittle away too much .

    帮我把这个塞子弄小一点,但 木头不要 掉太多。

  • I believe that the Government 's general aim is to whittle away the Welfare State

    我认为政府总的目的是要 削弱福利国家 体制

  • He began to whittle away all powers of the government that he did not control .

    他开始 削弱他所未能控制的一切政府权力。

  • Don 't whittle the stick down too much or it won 't be long enough .


  • He whittled a new handle for his ax

    他给斧头 一个新把手。

  • A girl named Maxi went off to whittle a branch with a hunting knife .

    一个名叫马克西(Maxi)的女孩走到一边,拿着一把猎刀 树枝来。

  • I think we 'd better whittle down her schedule .

    我想我们最好 削减 一些她的日程计划。

  • I showed her how to whittle pegs from white-wood .

    我给她示范怎样将白木削成 木栓

  • More than 70 people voted in the first round to whittle it down to a shortlist of 10 and members of the public now have six weeks to choose which British bird they would like to see represent the country he said .

    他说,超过7万民众参与了第一轮投票, 海选 过后得出十个最终候选鸟,在接下来的六周里,民众就要选出哪种鸟最能代表英国。

  • Whittle the stick down a bit more .

    木棍再削 点儿。

  • Yet while the episode allowed Mr Medvedev to flex his muscles it also demonstrated graphically the limits of his powers namely that he is clearly not allowed to fire ministers only to whittle away at their perks .

    然而,尽管这一回合让梅德韦杰夫展现了自己的权威,但也生动显示出他的实权是有限的,即他显然无权罢免部长级官员,而 只能剥夺他们的一部分特权。

  • Sarah Whittle : Don 't ever call me crazy Alan !
