


  • Don 't listen to him & he 's just an old worrywart .

    别听他的&他只不过是 庸人自扰

  • EXAMPLE : My cousin is a worrywart who never enjoys vacations because he 's always imagining possible disasters that may occur while he 's away from his job .

    我的堂兄弟 经常 杞人忧天,从来没有 好好 度过假,因为他总在想象,他脱手工作后可能 什么 问题。

  • I have a healthy concern for what my boss and my co-workers think but I don 't think I 'm a worrywart .

    我才不 .你自己不也 老是 担心工作,老是担心你的老板和同事对你印象不好