


  • Make it up with him he advised Lizzie at parting as they stood in front of the workingman 's shack in which she lived near Sixth and Market .

    “跟他和好吧,”分手时他劝 丽齐,这时他俩 来到了六号 和市场 附近她所居住的 工人棚屋前。

  • On his arrival at M.sur M.he had only the garments the appearance and the language of a workingman .

    他初到滨海蒙特勒伊时,他的服装、举动和谈吐都象一个 工人

  • He met in the narrow streets in the vicinity of the Boulevard des Invalides a man dressed like a workingman and wearing a cap with a long visor which allowed a glimpse of locks of very white hair .

    他在残废军人院路附近的那些小街上,劈面遇见一个衣着象 工人 模样的男子,戴一顶长檐鸭舌帽,露出 绺雪白的头发。

  • Every workingman can have his own house .

    每个 都可以拥有自己的房子。

  • My father was a workingman .

    我父亲是一个 体力 劳动者

  • When he went out alone which was generally at night he was always dressed in a workingman 's trousers and blouse and wore a cap which concealed his face .

    当他独自出门时,并且那总是在天黑 以后,便经常穿一 工人的短上衣和长裤,戴一顶鸭舌帽,把脸遮起来。

  • It now seemed probable that that workingman and M.Leblanc were one and the same person .

    现在看来,那 工人和白先生很可能是同一个人。

  • The concept goal and impact about recruitment of enterprise workingman had been discussed in this article Incloud methods and steps .

    论述了企业员工 招聘的概念,目的和意义。员工招聘的原则,具体方法,步骤。

  • Multilevel hypergraph partitioning and multi-phase refinement Division of mankind into workingman and capitalists suffers from the fallacy of simplism .

    超图多级划分 算法 框架及对划分结果的多阶段优化 把人类分成 工人 阶级和资本阶级 了过分简单化的错误。

  • Division of mankind into workingman and capitalists suffers from the fallacy of simplism .

    人类 本身 错误 . 把人类分成 工人 阶级和资本阶级就犯了过分简单化的错误。

  • Then he shook hands with the workingman and went away saying : we shall meet again soon .

    接着,他和那 工人握了一下手,临走时 说:“我们不久再见。”