


  • By use the SWOT Matrix analyze in every branch company it points out outer opportunities and threatens inner strengthens and weakness through SPACE matrix it analyses industry configuration of corporation in detail and working-out the strategy on how to adjust its industry scale .

    运用SWOT分析矩阵指出各子公司发展的外部机会与威胁、内部的优势和劣势。利用SPACE矩阵对各子公司的业务结构进行了详细的分析,并 提出了业务结构调整的战略。

  • This article introduces working-out principle and method of price standard for construction enterprise and some thoughts about establish quotation system for construction enterprise .

    本文提出了施工企业定额的 编制原则、 编制方法;介绍了 作者关于建筑企业建立投标报价体系的思考。

  • This method overcomes the disadvantage of traditional one that choosing viscosity of gear lubricities oil according to experience and can working-out concrete numerical value directly and enhance choosing viscosity of gear lubricities oil to a theory height .

    克服了传统的经验法选择齿轮润滑油粘度的局限性,将齿轮润滑油粘度的选择提到理论高度并可直接 算出具体数值。

  • At last this thesis refers to the idea of CALS standard system to make sure the information system consistency basically working-out the ability technology and data standard system of maintenance-support information system .

    最后,为了保证信息系统运行的一致性,本文应用 CALS标准体系的思想,初步 制订了维修保障信息系统的功能、技术和数据标准体系。

  • In the whole process every student participates in teaching activities actively including the working-out of teaching plans the setting down of teaching targets the carrying through of teaching activities and evaluating all of which is for the students ' individual development .

    在教学的每个环节,学生都作为学习的 主人主动地参与,包括教学计划的制定、教学目标的确立、教学活动的开展、教学评价的进行、实现主动发展、和谐发展。

  • What was happening was only the working-out of a process that had started years ago .

    刚才发生的事只 不过是多年前已经开始的一个过程的 实现 而已

  • Production and development of working-out in criminal law are inevitable outcomes that the rational criminal law as the public law is rational it is a realistic choice after the rational thinking of the rational criminal law .

    刑法中 的产生和发展是作为公法的理性刑法理性的必然结果,是理性刑法理性思考后的现实选择。

  • APQP : Advanced Product Quality Planning to define working-out and regulate for target task step and planning of product and service expected and requested by customer to insure to achieve the activity of requirement requested .

    产品质量先期策划(APQP:AdvancedProductQualityPlanning),用来定义、 制订和规定为提供满足顾客期望和需要的产品和服务的目标、任务、步骤、计划,并确保达到预期要求的活动。

  • The simulative results have shown that the optimization model constructed is obvious to advance the efficiency of container loading operation which provides a reference model for working-out stowage plan of export containers .

    模拟结果说明,所 提出的优化模型可以 减少场内拖车运行的 距离,提高集装箱装载效率,为合理进行集装箱船 配载提供了一个参考模型。

  • On one hand it can better guide our domestic enterprises ' combination of production and investment . On the other hand it can help to advance the working-out and implementing of our national macro-economy policy improving its effectiveness .

    一方面可以指导我国企业更好地 安排生产和投资的组合 选择,另一方面也有助于改进我国宏观经济政策的 制定和实施,提高宏观经济政策的效力。

  • Internationally the field bus is becoming popular in the domain of process control . Working-out of field bus standards and development of its products in the past two years are introduced in this article .

    现场总线近年来成为国际上过程控制领域的关注热点,本文介绍了近两年来有关现场总线标准的 制定及现场 总线产品的开发情况。

  • Reasonably working-out of the processing formula and some technical parameters can achieve a good treatment effect in the hydrogen peroxide cold-dwell pretreatment of extra-broad fabric .

    采用双氧水冷堆工艺对特宽幅织物进行前处理时,合理地 选择 制订工艺处方和工艺条件,可获得良好的处理效果。

  • Nor is interpretation the acquiring of information about what is to be understood ; it is rather the working-out of possibilities projected in understanding .

    解释也不表示获得要理解的信息,它只是 考察投射在理解中的种种可能性。

  • Working-out test plan complete hardware debugging and testing job .


  • In addition you shouldn 't ignore the unique thoughts created behind the working-out efforts .

    您更不能忽略了 绞尽脑汁的背后,所创 的独特思想。

  • Training of Mathematics Thought During the Procedures of Working-out Problems

    解题 教学过程中的数学思维训练

  • Practice and Experience in Working-out the Standard of Quality Control for Commercial Organic Fertilizers


  • Working-out a good design estimation to intensify the cost management of a project


  • The Computer Assistant Working-out of the University Teaching Plan Design for computer assistant instruction

    高校教学计划的计算机辅助 制订 多媒体 课件的设计技术

  • Discussion about working-out of the ancient criminal law in our country


  • Working-out tolerance and qualifications of jigs is a stress of teaching and embodiment of professional qualities but it has been overlooked .

    夹具公差和技术要求 什么 制订怎么 制订 是教学重点,也是技术人员专业素质的体现。

  • Discussion on the gradings of city fire and accident and the working-out of pre-plan for the dispatch of fire-fighting force

    论城市火灾与灾害事故等级划分和灭火救援力量 出动预案编制

  • In addition the research and working-out of prime national stands and citation of international standards have made good conditions for promoting the urban geographic information sharing and heightening standardization level .

    此外, 基础性的地理信息国家标准和 行业标准的研究、 制订,以及国际标准的引用,为促进城市地理信息共享和提高标准化水平创造了良好条件。

  • The second part is the basic theory of the working-out procedure of administrative plan .

    第二部分是行政计划 确定程序的基本理论。

  • The Study on Allocating Year Budget in Working-Out Weapon System 's RDT & E Plan

    武器装备发展规划 制订中的年度投资分配问题研究

  • At present working-out existed objectively in the criminal law of our country is the development on the traditional foundation to adopt Chinese law as heir .

    现阶段,客观存在于我国刑法中的 是在承继中华法系传统基础上的发展。

  • In accordance with the complexity of graduate student training scheme working-out process nowadays a graduate student training scheme working-out system based on Web and three-level Browser / Server mode is put forward .

    针对目前研究生培养方案 制订过程的复杂性,提出了一种基于Web和三层B/S模式的研究生培养方案制订系统。

  • The third part is the procedural theory of administrative plan . It introduces the working-out procedure of administrative plan and distinguishes two different administrative plan constituting procedure .

    第三部分是行政计划程序论,介绍行政计划的制定程序,并区分了 专案 行政计划与 通盘 行政计划的不同的计划 确定程序;

  • The system can successfully deal with the relationship among school management teacher working-out training scheme and graduate student choosing courses .

    该系统成功地解决了学校管理、教师 制订培养方案和研究生选择课程三者之间的关系。