working fit

[ˈwə:kɪŋ fɪt][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ fit]


  • Working on a mathematical problem and getting that Aha ! moment when things fit together makes me very happy .

    绞尽脑汁地求解难题,待到一切 环环相扣,难题被成功破解,那就是我最开心的时候。

  • The conveyer-belt and profile-modeling-wheels lining-up fit is designed to make plug-seedlings to queue automatically to improve both working rate and efficiency of the whole fit and to alleviate the working intension of operator .

    为了提高钵苗栽植机的 作业速度和整机 工作效率,减轻操作手的劳动强度,采用输送带&仿形轮式 苗排队装置,实现了钵苗由无序到有序的自动排队。

  • Perhaps you 're working towards a big goal : like losing weight and getting fit or starting up your own business .

    也许你在朝着一个大目标 努力,比如说减肥 瘦身,或者创业。

  • This circuit board has been proved to be stable in working condition and easy in operation and it is fit for expansion PC / XT PC / AT .

    实践证明,该电路 工作性能稳定,操作方便可靠, 适用 PC/XT,PC/AT机的I/O扩展。

  • In this context the educator of college ideological and political job should keep up with the times and make continually innovation on their working method so as to fit the demand of development .

    面对新形势,高校思想教育管理工作人员要与时俱进,不断创新 工作方法,以 适应时代发展的需要。

  • The United skipper underwent an ankle operation six weeks ago but has been working hard in training in a race to be fit for the start of the campaign .

    曼联队长在六周前经历了一次踝部手术,现 正在刻苦训练来保证 健康地出现在新赛季阵容中。

  • Based on premise that translation performance meets the requirements analysis discharger performance transmission performance in order to make the overall performance of working device fit design requirements .

    在平移性满足要求的前提下,综合考虑卸料性传动动性、自动放平性,从而使 工作装置的综合工作性能 满足设计要求。

  • S20 : I 'm going to become a doctor to keep all the working people healthy and fit .

    我将当一名医生,以保证所有 工作人员身体 健康

  • The modified model revealed that organizational socialization affected on working attitude of newcomers indirectly though work adjustment while perceived person-organization fit had direct effect on working attitude of newcomers in enterprises .

    经过修正的最后模型表明:组织社会化通过工作适应对新雇员的 工作态度产生间接影响,新雇员主观感知到的员工-组织 匹配则对其工作态度产生直接影响。

  • It is believed that keeping the emulsion machine and matrix-conveying screw pump in a normal working state reinforcing protective measures and choosing the emulsifying agent fit for kinematic viscosity are ways for preventing accidents and ensuring safety .

    认为保证乳化机和基质输送螺杆泵处于正常稳定的 工作状态和加强防护措施,选择 适宜运动粘度的乳化剂,可以起到预防事故发生和安全保护作用。

  • Working in a job that is a bad fit can be a demoralizing experience .

    一件不 适合的工作可能是令人泄气的经历。

  • Virtual Reality technology provides technical supports for the working and learning simulation environment and deeply fit the theory of constructivist learning .

    而虚拟现实技术为实现仿真的 工作、学习环境提供了技术保障,与建构主义学习理论深度 契合

  • Spin technology as an important branch of plastic working is fit for processing multiple metal materials with good flexibility and low cost which is economic and rapid forming method for thin-walled parts of revolution .

    旋压工艺作为塑性 加工的一个重要分支,具有柔性好、成本低等优点, 适合加工多种金属材料,是一种经济、快速成形薄壁回转体零件的方法。

  • The traditional working day doesn 't fit in with me lifestyle ;

    我个人的生活方式不太 适应传统的 工作时间 安排

  • A new feature called quick outline helps you when working with a large mediation flow where you cannot fit all of the primitives on the screen .

    处理大型仲裁流时,无法 所有原语都 在屏幕上,此时,一个叫做“quickoutline”的新特性可以派上用场。

  • In addition this paper showed that salary satisfaction degree working environment and goodness of fit between work and individual are the keys of organizational effectiveness . For this reason innovative enterprises should pay more attention on these areas .

    另外,研究表明对于创新型民营企业而言,薪酬满意度、 工作环境、工作与个人 吻合度是企业提高组织效能的关键,因此,创新型民营企业应该在这些方面更加重视。

  • Product aims to improve working environment to fit between persons and their work

    人体工学产品帮助改善 工作环境使人与 工具 吻合

  • If you can identify a working set ahead of time and it can fit in the available memory then the simplest strategy is often to preload the working set .

    如果您可以及早识别一个 工作集,且它 适合可用内存,那么最简单的策略通常就是预加载工作集。

  • Owning to the adjustment of medical insurance policy and the establishment of web-based medical insurance system some traditional working styles and methods are not fit with new situation .

    适应医疗保险制度改革,转变观念,在医保管理 工作中不断摸索经验,宣传政策、加强培训、强化管理、健全制度, 努力为参保患者提供价廉质优的服务。

  • The issue of whether there 's any innovation in a building or not concerns whether or not people will have a proper working enviroment fit for the creation of innovations ;

    所以建筑有没有创意就关系到大家有没有一个 产生创意的的 工作环境;

  • Flexible working mode is adopted to fit different requirement .

    具有灵活的 工作模式,可 满足不同需求。

  • KXS machine possesses lightly and convenience designation especially suit to working high above the ground and fit with small projects'maintenance requirement .

    KXS机设计轻巧,特别 适合高空 作业与小型工程的维修配套。

  • Our school motto is Hard working truth seeking fit keeping and delighted teaching . It contains rich and unique campus culture .

    学校以“ 勤奋、求实、 健美、乐教”为校训,积累了丰厚而独特的校园文化。

  • The field application shows that with every index superior to that of dryer the device has stable working performance and dewatering efficiency of 91.7 % as a small-scale dewatering device quite fit for oilfield oil transfer station .

    现场应用表明,该装置 工作性能稳定,各项指标明显优于干燥器,脱水效率达到91.7%,是一种非常 适合油田中转站的小型脱水设备。

  • Part of the course involves team working with groups creating private equity funds or debt instruments that would both fit in institutional investors ' portfolios and also deliver social and environmental gains .

    课程的一部分需要进行 合作,合作方是创建既 适于机构投资者投资、又能够产生社会和环境效益的私人股本基金或债务工具的集团。

  • Although the point mass method has the simplest computing structure it has a great working load which isn 't fit for real time computation .

    扰动引力的点质量表达方法使得扰动引力的计算模式具有最为简单的结构,但它本身也具有 计算量大的缺点, 实时计算的 目标 矛盾。

  • I 've been working out during the summer because I wanted to show the manager I was fit and raring to go .

    夏天我一直 坚持训练,我希望给教练展示自己 适合并且渴望参加比赛。

  • The higher working pressure was not fit for the formation of textured structure .

    较高的 工作气压不 利于有效绒面结构的形成。

  • It comes as more women try to find flexible working arrangements to fit around childcare and follows a rise in the number of female entrepreneurs .

    这是因为更多的女性希望 工作时间 灵活,方便照顾孩子,以及女性企业家数量的增加。