

n.工人工匠技术工人,工匠( workman的名词复数 )工作者体力劳动者

  • His people had always been workmen his father and grandfather had worked in shops .

    他的人民一直是 工人,他的父亲和祖父在商店工作。

  • The workmen cleaned up before they left .

    工人 清理后就走了。

  • The workmen spent ten weeks making the table .


  • 0he workmen are closing in the doorway .


  • Bad workmen often blame their tools .


  • Most workmen are paid by the week .

    大多数 工人按周付给薪水。

  • The hundreds of workmen built a platform near his right ear .

    接着数百名 工人在他右耳朵附近搭起了一个平台。

  • In University Square workmen are building a steel fence

    在大学广场上, 工人 正在修建钢栅栏。

  • The fire started during the workmen 's dinner hour .

    工人 吃饭时,发生了火灾。

  • The workmen excavated a hole in the wall to let the sewage pipe pass through .

    工人 在墙上掘了个洞让污水管通过。

  • One of his workmen observed his frequent visits to the spot and decided to watch his movements .

    他的一个 工人发现了他访问这个地方的规律并观察他的行动。

  • One of the workmen found T-bag so they fought together .

    一个 工作发现了T-袋子,于是,他们打了起来。

  • Workmen were hired to remodel and enlarge the farm buildings

    雇用了 工人来改造和扩建农场建筑。

  • The workmen were slow in making a start .

    工人 动手很慢。

  • Some workmen arrived today with a steamroller .

    今天有一些 工人带着一台蒸气压路机来了。

  • The workmen struck for higher wages but the factory owner soon had them at his feet .

    工人 罢工要求加薪,但是厂主不久便使他们降服了。

  • The workmen mixed sand gravel and cement to make concrete .

    工人 沙,石子和水泥混和成混凝土。

  • One that installs and repairs pipes and plumbing . The workmen were cementing the sidewalk .

    管子工, 水暖工安装和修理管道和管道设备的 人工 人们正在把人行道铺上水泥。

  • Not to oversee workmen is to leave them your purse open .

    不监督 员工就是对他们敞开你的钱包。

  • The workmen have already packed up and left .

    工人 已经收工离开了。

  • An army of workmen was brought in to build the stadium .

    一大群 工人被招来建筑运动场。

  • The workmen struggled fiercely and one of them lost his temper .

    两个 工人奋力抗争,其中一个发了火。

  • The workmen covered in the hole in the road .

    工人 填塞了路上的那个洞。

  • There are two workmen sitting outside in overalls and hardhats .

    有两个穿着工装裤、带着安全帽的 工人坐在厕所外面。

  • The workmen are laying the foundations of the new hospital .

    工人 正在为那所新医院打地基。

  • Workmen 's wages have gone up since the war .


  • The workmen have dug away the foundations .

    工人 挖好了地基。

  • Sure enough a policeman arrived on the scene and politely asked the workmen to go away .

    果然,警察来了,不礼貌地请 工人离开此地;