working thickness

[ˈwə:kɪŋ ˈθɪknɪs][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ ˈθɪknɪs]


  • The influence of the target substrate distance sputtering power and working pressure on the film thickness uniformity deposited by self-designed magnetron sputtering deposition equipment has been studied .

    在自行设计的磁控溅射沉积设备上,对薄膜沉积工艺中靶基间距、溅射功率、 工作气压对 均匀性的影响进行了研究,由连续光谱椭圆偏光仪SE800测量薄膜 厚度

  • Elastic deformation of roll and mill is main factor that effects on working roll gap flatness thickness accuracy when plate and strip rolled .

    轧辊和轧机的弹性变形是影响板带轧制时 工作辊缝和平直度及 厚度精度的关键因素;

  • The working performance of the probe has been testified by measuring the flatness and thickness of a standard gauge block and the diameter of a convex lens .

    通过对标准量块的平面度、 厚度以及一个有效直径约为6mm的凸透镜的测量,验证了探头的 有效性。

  • Research on cooperative working of pile-soil and their working behaviours & Three-dimensional constant thickness contact interface element model

    桩土联合 工作性状的研究&三维等 厚度接触单元模型

  • Associates with the working principles of scanning two-dimensional image using linear array CCD characteristics of glass thickness image are analyzed .

    结合线阵CCD扫描二维图像 工作原理,分析了玻璃 厚度检测图像特点。

  • This article has expatiated that the working stress of the material will change with the wall thickness when the design thickness is at critical value of the material thickness .

    阐述了当图样设计厚度处于相应材料厚度范围临界值时,材料许 应力随板 变化而变化的问题。

  • It was pointed out that the keypoint in designing the special transducer was its working frequency and crystal angle according to the coat thickness and flaw location .

    根据外套 和裂纹位置特点,提出了专用超声换能器的设计关键在于 工作频率和晶片倾斜角。

  • We analyzed the winding configuration and chose the regular octagon form and also studied the relationship between the driving voltage and working distance about the PI-cantilever which aimed at optimizing the structure of the PI-cantilever in length width and thickness .

    给出合理的线圈宽度与间隙宽度,提出了八边形的线圈绕组结构,计算得出PI膜悬臂梁光开关驱动电压与 工作距离的关系,并对悬臂梁长度、宽度、 厚度进行优化。

  • The maximum value of stress SINT ( SINT is the equivalent stress of the third strength theory ) under normal working status ( F_w + P_c ) will increase along with the decrease of wall thickness of rotary drum but the amplitude of increase is comparatively small .

    正常 工况(FW+PC)下的应力SINT(SINT为第三强度理论的等效应力)最大值随着转鼓壁 的减小而增大,但增大的幅度较小;

  • Mathematical grey-box interrelation analysis method was used to study the correlation between five selected alloy elements and open circuit potential working potential anode depletion rate coating consume thickness current efficiency and corrosion uniformity .

    本论文还应用灰箱分析法研究了所选择的五类元素形成合金后与开路电位、 工作电位、阳极消耗率、镀层消耗 厚度、电流效率和腐蚀均匀性的关联度。

  • The principle working of Disc separator is introduced and the parameters is selected including rotational part thickness clearance between two dishes Disc generatrix taper Disc height and radius .

    介绍了碟式离心机的分离 原理,进行了离心机主要结构参数的选择计算,包括转鼓壁 、碟片间隙、碟片母线锥角、碟片束高度、碟片内外径等。

  • The paper describes the structure working principle technical data and functions of the piston ring radial thickness grader .

    介绍了一种活塞环径向 厚度分选机的结构、 工作原理、技术参数及功能特点。

  • It introduces the working principle the system components and test analysis of the radar-laser ice thickness measurement instrument .

    简单的介绍了新研制的雷达&激光冰 测量仪的 工作原理、系统组成和试验分析。

  • This paper introduces the working principle of an ultrasonic-reflection corneal thickness detector expounds the realization of intelligence using single chip computer analyzes the hard system and the soft system presents the results of tests and discusses the cause of error .

    本文介绍了采用超声回波法眼角膜测 仪的 工作原理,阐述了利用单片机实现智能化设计,分析了仪器的硬件系统和软件系统,给出了实验结果,并分析了误差原因。

  • The deposition rate firstly increases and then decreases with the increase of Ar working pressure . Film thickness was in the direct ratio to sputtering time . Deposition rate has important effect on surface morphology of the films . The as-fabricated films were amorphous .

    结果显示,薄膜的沉积速率随磁控溅射功率的增加而增大,随溅射 气压的升高先增大后减小;薄膜 厚度与溅射时间近似成正比;形貌分析显示,沉积速率是薄膜表面质量的关键影响因素。

  • The test results show that the GPR detection can reflect the types of working conditions pre-set in the test and identify dielectric layers in the model whose thickness can be quantitative analysed .

    试验结果表明,地质雷达检测可反映出试验中预设的各种 工况类型,可识别衬砌试件及隧底模型中各介质层层位,并能够定量分析出其 厚度

  • Calculation of Diamonds Distribution on Segment 's Working Face and Cutting Thickness of Single Diamond

    金刚石 锯片节块表面金刚石分布与单颗金刚石切削 厚度的计算

  • After working repeatedly under certain internal pressure the diameter of CT will increase and wall thickness of CT will become smaller .

    在一定的内压作用下重复 工作后,连续油管直径会增长,管 变薄;

  • The experimental results showed that under the same working condition the bigger the electrode diameter the bigger the relative reduction rate of the condensation film thickness and the lower the beginning voltage for the thickness reduction of the condensation film .

    结果表明,相同 工况条件下,电极直径越大液膜相对减 率越大,液膜减薄的起始电压越小。

  • Main factors influencing membrane separation : working pressure and time oil content in wastewater membrane thickness temperature flow rate at surface membrane manufacturing technology existance of electrolyte ( s ) and surfactant ( s ) surface coarseness .

    影响分离效果的主要因素: 操作压力,操作时间,污水含油量,膜 厚度,温度,膜表面流体流速,膜制作方法,电解质和表面活性剂,表面粗糙度。参39。

  • Considering to demands of working fluid flow machining the large thickness work pieces and electrode wire cable impacts to vibration shortest span guide & hydro jet device was devised .

    针对加工大 厚度工件时对 工作液流量的需求以及电极丝跨距对振动的影响,设计了最短跨距导向&喷液装置。

  • The vibration of3rd order and11th order working roll has a large longitudinal strain which affects the rolling thickness ;

    工作辊的第3阶和第11阶振型纵向变形较大,造成较大辊缝,对轧制 厚度影响最大;

  • The paper points out while working temperature at weld seam is more than 250 ℃ The lead-plating layer thickness shall be up to 5 μ m and more .

    指出当焊缝处 工作温度在250℃以上时,其镀铝层 厚度应达到5μm以上。

  • Time Value of Currency to be Considered in Working out the Optimum Insulation Thickness of Heated Pipelines

    考虑货币时间价值 计算热输管道最优保温层 厚度

  • For working out the thickness of the shoe more accurate the edge is converted to the curve through curve fitting . By comparing the two curves the paper get the minimum thickness of the shoes and analyses the error .

    闸瓦边缘进行曲线拟合,比较判断出最小 厚度值,对产生的误差进行分析。

  • The line contacts usually working under lubrication whose pressure distribution film thickness and shape are very important for performance and life of the machine parts .

    这些线接触副通常 工作在润滑条件下,其压力分布、膜 及膜形对机器零部件的性能和寿命有很大影响。

  • The results showed that the surface working temperature increased with increasing compositional exponent and tungsten layer thickness .

    结果表明,成分分布指数的增大以及金属W 厚度的增加均使表面 工作温度提高;

  • The working principle of continuous pressing machine and the main factors that influenced the thickness of the board are analyzed .

    对连续式压机 工作原理和影响板 的主要因素进行了分析。

  • As the size of the device continuously scales down the mechanical properties and the working reliability of the metal films are intensively influenced by the feature size ( such as thickness grain size ) .

    随着器件的不断小型化,金属薄膜的特征尺寸(如 厚度,晶粒尺寸等)持续减小,其力学性能表现出强烈的尺寸效应,进而直接影响到器件的 工作可靠性。

  • The constituent working principle of AGC system and the spring curve of rolling mill were introduced . The reasons for variation of thickness deviation in longitudinal direction were analyzed in detail and the corresponding solutions were put forword .

    介绍了液压AGC控制系统的组成、 工作原理及轧机的弹跳曲线,详细分析了带材在纵方向上造成 差波动的原因,并提出解决方案。