within limits


  • All must be kept within limits determined to be safe in order to provide satisfactory service to the power system customers and to ensure that equipment is not damaged by overloading or other improper operations .

    所有这些都必须保持 确定的安全 限额 ,以便对电力系统的用户提供满意的供电以及保证设备不会因过负荷或其它不正常运行而损坏。

  • Third the ECB would enable countries such as Italy and Spain to temporarily refinance themselves within limits at a very low cost .

    第三,欧洲央行要让意大利和西班牙等国能以极低的成本 限额 暂时为本国再融资。

  • Lessen the intensity of ; temper ; hold in restraint ; hold or keep within limits .

    减轻强度;调节;抑制;控制或保持 限度

  • Anyhow the nation and the society will be disastrous if corruption can not be keep within limits effectively .

    总之,腐败得不 有效 遏制,国家和社会将为此付出巨大代价。

  • On financial regulation it is still trying to direct the policy but from the outset within limits that respect the legislature 's preferences however ill advised .

    在金融监管方面,政府仍试图指导政策,但从一开始就 局限于立法机构的偏好 范围 ,无论这有多么失策。

  • Within limits specified by law the Board of Governors has sole authority over changes in reserve requirements .

    法律规定的 范围 ,管理委员会拥有更改规定储备金的唯一权力。

  • The results showed that the decomposition of CO2 could be enhanced by increasing applied voltage or frequency within limits .

    结果发现:在 一定 范围 ,随着放电电压和放电频率的增大,CO2的转化率增大;

  • Subcommittee on the management of resources within limits of national jurisdiction ;

    国家管辖 范围 资源管理小组委员会;

  • Most structural materials are not only elastic but within limits linearly elastic ; their deformation is proportional to the load .

    大多数结构材料不仅有弹性,而且 一定 限度 具有线性弹性;其变形与负荷成正比。

  • On the Completion of Legal Supervision System as a Basic Method to Keep Within Limits the Corruption of Authority Body

    浅论健全法律监督体系是 遏制权力主体腐败的基本手段

  • Within limits the higher the temperature the quicker the chemical reaction .

    一定 范围 之内,温度愈高,化学反应就愈快。

  • A junk drawer is a junk pile that stays within limits due to the size of the drawer .

    一个装废品的抽屉能堆积的垃圾 数量 有限,取决于那个抽屉 容积。

  • Human effort can within limits re-determine the direction of events even though it cannot determine the conditions which make human effort possible .

    人的努力虽然不能决定使自身成为可能的条件,但是可以 有限 范围 重新规定事件的方向。

  • Within limits it is .

    某些 范围 ,它是正确的。

  • The principal ways to keep the fanily violence within limits are the prophylaxis society and the management according to law .


  • You can do anything you like within limits of course .

    你可以做任何你喜欢做 事,当然要 有限

  • The Countermeasure of Keeping within Limits to non-Police Affair in the Stratagem of Community Police Service ; At last the implementation of real-time water-lever alert services in flood control decision support system is discussed .

    社区警务战略中非警务活动的 遏制对策并结合防汛决策支持系统中的实时水位报警服务对具体实现进行了论述。

  • Working overtime within limits was better than not being paid at all she said .

    她说, 有限 加班总比拿不到工资好。

  • You can trust her within limits .

    你可 有限 地信任她。

  • If for whatever reason you do not provide any specifications you will receive all articles from Digg within limits .

    不管出于何种原因,如果没有提供任何规范,那么将会检索Digg 的所有文章,具有适当的 限制

  • Give kids healthy choices within limits .

    给儿童 限制的健康选择。

  • Only within limits we may answer but when the results are close to the specification limit it may be that one laboratory indicates failure whereas another indicates a pass .

    只有 我们才能这么来回答,但是当结果与标准值接近时,也许一个实验室指示出错,而另一个则显示通过检测。

  • Applications scale within limits .

    应用程序的规模被 限制 一定 范围

  • It is true within limits .

    某些 范围 那是真实的。

  • Hold within limits and control .

    保持 一定 范围 控制。

  • Tax rates established by local councils within limits specified by national law . Partial exemption provided for certain pensioners .

    税率由当地委员会 国家法律 限制 决定。对部分领救济金者提供免税。

  • In the circumstances we 'll tell you what we can within limits of course and in confidence .

    在这种情况下,我们会把能告诉你的都告诉你,当然这是有 限度的,而且需要保密。

  • People enjoy deviations ( 10 ) from the norm & a change of pace within limits .

    人们 一定 限度 享受非正常事物&一种节奏的变化。

  • Reople have been making unremitting explorations on how to supervise powers effectively and keep corruptions within limits at all times and in all countries .

    如何有效地监督权力, 遏制腐败现象的发生,古今中外人们都进行了不懈地探索。