without example

[wɪðˈaʊt ɪɡˈzæmpəl][wiˈðaut iɡˈzɑ:mpl]


  • The real-space renormalization group approach is close to fractal and is widely used in geometric phase transition systems without Hamilton for example percolation model rock fracture model flit ant model .

    实空间重整化群方法与分形有密切的关系,在 具有哈密顿的几何相变系统, 渗流,岩裂,自回避无规行走等模型广泛地被应用。

  • The writing style without polished have set us a good example to the aftertime translation of Scriptures .

    加润饰的文风给后世译经事业留下一个好 榜样

  • Never allow a session-validated user to enter a new password without also entering their old password for example .

    绝对不要让一个仅通过会话验证的用户在 输入旧密码的 情况下去修改密码。

  • If a user attempts to directly access a protected page without first logging in ( for example by using a bookmark or following a link ) the WebSEAL server will return its default login page .

    如果用户试图 不是先登录 而是直接访问受保护的页面( 例如,采用书签或者利用链接),WebSEAL服务器将会返回其默认登录页面。

  • The reform is not without certain risks . a recent example was the run on consumer goods in beijing .

    应该 改革是 点风险的,这次北京就出现 抢购物资的现象。

  • Enter your building number and street name without punctuation . Example : 280 Wellesley St E.

    输入您的门牌和街道名称, 没有标点符号。 例如:280韦尔斯利东街。

  • Bob is without a doubt the most inspirational example of the true work ethic that is needed in order to make movies in this day and age than any other human being I have worked with or come across .

    毫无疑问,在曾与我共事的人当中,他是最具有职业道德的人。他是业内的 楷模,我们需要这样敬业的导演来制作好的电影。

  • You already participate in it without actually realizing so and for example you take it for granted where your pets are concerned .

    你们已经 意识的这么做了,举个 例子就是你们想当然的与宠物有关的事情。

  • On the other hand if you are doing very simple web services ( without WS-Security for example ) you don 't necessarily need a web service container at all .

    另一方面,如果您在实现一个非常简单的Web服务( 比如 没有Web服务安全的考虑),您根本不需要一个Web服务容器。

  • And some production we would be better off if we could do without : guns are one example systemic risk-raising financial products another .

    而有些生产我们宁愿派 上用场:比如枪支,再 比如带来系统性风险的金融产品。

  • My youthful energy and bodily strength have long disappeared and without your example I might think of relaxing now but you showed that the latter part of life can be the best time for preaching .

    我年轻的精力和体力已经消失很久。 没有您的 榜样,可能我现在就会考虑退休,但您表明,生命的末期可能是传教的最佳时机。

  • The Kerberos protocol is devised such that the authentication happens without the shared secret ( for example the password ) getting transmitted on the network .

    Kerberos协议经过特殊设计, 在网络上传播共享秘密( 密码)就可以进行验证。

  • Consider a concept without thinking of a specific example ; consider abstractly or theoretically .

    考虑一个概念 从一个具体的 事例出发;从抽象的角度或纯理论的角度来考虑问题。

  • Without their example we would not know ( 1 ) that Awakening is available to all and not just to the Buddha ;

    没有他们作出的 典范,我们不会了解(1)觉醒不仅只有佛陀才能成就,而是对人人开放;

  • If you exit the program without a single normal circumstances ( for example : the forced shutdown etc. ) it will automatically run the next restart and lock screen ( the same as the previous password ) .

    如果在 没有正常退出程序单情况下( 例如:强行关机等),下次重启就会自动运行并锁屏(密码与上次相同)。

  • Without speculators taking risks - for example betting on Libya cutting its oil supply - the fundamentals of the market may not be apparent until too late triggering wild price gyrations as we saw in the 1970s .

    如果 没有投机者冒险 比如,押注利比亚会减少石油供给市场的基本面状况明朗化的时间或许就会太迟,从而引发价格大幅震荡,就像我们20世纪70年代所见到的那样。

  • Wages of men without college diplomas for example have dropped by a whopping third over the past three decades .


  • Taking the liquefaction of wood in the presence of phenol with or without catalyst as an example the preparation chart and properties of liquefied wood the reactions in the process of liquefaction of wood and the influence factors were discussed .

    以酚为溶剂、有或 催化剂的木材液化为 、论述了液化木材制备流程及其性质、木材液化过程中的反应和影响因素。

  • A wrapper for the tool using zenity ( a GTK + UI tool ) is provided so you can use it without having to have command-line experience ( for example golf course office staff ) .

    提供了对该工具的封装,它用的是zenity(一个GTK+UI工具),您可以使用它, 需命令行开发经验( 例如,高尔夫球场办公人员)。

  • Without getting into specifics he recalled one example . We had a guy we loved the guy and it wasn 't killing us in our business and how long before we went to somebody else ?

    巴菲特 没有详细进行解释,但举了个 例子:曾经有那么个人,我们很喜欢他,而且我们的业务也不会因为他 受到致命的影响,过了多久我们才用别人取代了他?

  • The problems occurring in the construction have been settled without delay For example sealing pit by recharging or adjusting construction plan when soil landslide and piles inclire ;

    在施工中碰到的问题及时治理, :土 坍方、桩倾斜时用回灌闭坑或调整施工方案;

  • Without WPO for example the compiler can only inline functions within a single compiland .

    例如如果 没有WPO,编译器只能在单个编译域中内联函数。

  • Web pages shall be designed so that all information conveyed with color is also available without color for example from context or markup .

    网页的设计应当确保 没有彩色的情况下也能够将所有的信息传达给 浏览者。

  • And like so many around the globe I cannot fully imagine my own life without the example that Nelson Mandela set and so long as I live I will do what I can to learn from him .

    正如全球各地许许多多的人一样,我无法充分想象 没有纳尔逊曼德拉的 榜样我的生活会是怎样。在我的有生之年,我将尽最大努力向他学习。

  • Besides the technical characteristic of prestressed concrete in the part without bond and main subject being studied both at home and abroad the structural design and measures for prestressed concrete in the part without bond is discussed with example .

    实例介绍 粘结部分预应力砼的结构方案,构造措施,同时简述了无粘结部分预应力砼的技术特点,国内外正在研究的主要课题;

  • Any system capable of a free vibration without external force is a counter example e.g. a wire in the piano .

    任何一个 外力而能自由振动的系统就是一个 反例,譬如钢琴中的一条钢丝。

  • OpenNTF users can contribute code but they can also get engaged without contributing code for example by participating in a forum .

    OpenNTF用户可以贡献代码,但他们也可以采用其他的方式参与, 比如论坛。

  • About 60 per cent of Kenyan adults are without a bank account for example compared to just 3 per cent in the UK .

    例如,肯尼亚约60%的成年人 没有银行账户,而英国仅为3%。