without lag

[wɪðˈaʊt læɡ][wiˈðaut læɡ]


  • Our mechanism combines unidirectional reference broadcast synchronization mechanism and pair-wise synchronization mechanism reduces the consumption of synchronization packets significantly without causing synchronization lag .

    该机制结合了单向广播同步机制和双向成对同步机制,在 引起同步 滞后 前提 显著的减小了同步报文的开销。

  • For the control action it 's an adaptive PID controller without any phase lag but there is an amplifier in the high frequency an integrator in the low frequency and a PID only in the medium frequency .

    对控制信号而言,它是一个 没有任何相位 落后的PID控制器,R高频为一放大器,低频为积分器,中频段为PID。

  • Conclusion : Compared with children without LD Lag does not exist in all self-concept of children with LD physical self-concept has the most prediction function to general self-concept .

    结论:与一般儿童相比,学习 不良儿童并非所有领域的自我概念发展均呈现出 迟滞 现象,运动自我概念对其一般自我概念具有最大的预测力。

  • Fractures of the distal tibia involving the articular surface with or without displacement should be fixed by lag screws during operation .

    在胫骨的髓内钉固定手术中, 无论踝关节面的骨片移位与 ,都应用 拉力螺钉固定。

  • The vibration equation of the beam the beam natural frequency without considering the shear lag natural frequency of beam shear lag on the natural vibration characteristics of beam .

    通过梁的振动方程,得到梁的自振频率,与 考虑剪力 梁的 振频率 比较,可以得到剪力滞对梁固有振动特性的影响。

  • The measured signal of the polished rod displacement treated with Kalman filter present the speed signal without lag and with high accuracy .

    通过对实测的抽油机悬点位移信号进行卡尔曼滤波处理,获得的速度信号 滞后,噪声小,精度高,是用位移量获得速度量的理想方法。

  • And when the sampling period is shortened to permissible minimum the pure lag time model is changed into the second-order model without pure lag time .

    而在采样周期缩短到允许的最小值后,模型结构由 纯滞后模型转变为 滞后的二阶模型。

  • This work must go forward without lag .

    这项工作必须 迟延地进行。

  • Owing to being in planned economic system for a long time Chinese readymade oil sell enterprises have specialized without competition in 30 years and its circulation system and operation type has lag behind .

    中国石油系统的成品油销售企业,由于长期处在计划经济体制 ,三十年 独家经营,其流通体制和经营方式 落后,流通费用高,竞争意识差,与国外石油公司相比,有 明显 差距

  • Control without model has many advantages such as strong adaptability strong tracking ability strong anti-disturbance ability time lag controlling and so on and it is fit for macro-economy dynamic analysis .

    模型控制具有自适应能力强、跟踪性好、抗干扰能力强、 克服 时滞等众多优点,很适合宏观经济动态分析。

  • Consequently the machining precision of crank pin is difficult to guarantee by NC system without the compensation for response lag of servo .

    不对其做出补偿,数控系统将难以保证 曲轴连杆的加工精度。

  • It is different with other systems without time lag and coupling with the increase of coupling intensity it is turned back to chaotic movement from periodic movement .

    不同于其他 延时耦合的系统,随着耦合强度的增强,系统又从周期运动转变为混沌运动。

  • The increase in travel volume tourism is also a significant increase in disputes but China is still without a contract for the travel of special legislation in practice the handling of the dispute not entirely uniform as compared with developed tourism legislation has obvious lag .

    旅游交易量的增加,旅游纠纷也大量增多,但我国尚 没有针对旅游合同专门的立法,实践中对纠纷的处理不尽统一,与发达国家旅游立法相比具有明显的 滞后

  • Functional recovery of joint was good without pain in thirty-five patients who were fixed with common screw or Herbert lag bolt . Score of HSS knee joint was excellent .

    35例采用普通螺丝钉固定、 Herbert螺钉固定的患者关节功能恢复良好, 疼痛,HSS膝关节评分均为优,X射线片显示:骨折全部愈合,关节面平整;

  • The paper states in the following aspects : the significance and content of building facilities without obstacle the present situation and management lag of the facilities without obstacle in Tianjing as well as to set up an exemplary city with the facilities without obstacle etc.

    本文 障碍设施建设的意义与容量、天津无障碍设施建设的现状与管理 滞后问题以及创建无障碍设施示范城等作了论述。

  • In order to make the inverse adaptive process of plant model change with the plant model timely and without lag the model reference inverse model is trained offline .

    为使对象模型的逆的自适应过程能及时跟上对象模型的变化而 滞后,采用离线过程进行模型参考逆模型的训练。