without restraint

[wɪðˈaʊt rɪˈstrent][wiˈðaut risˈtreint]


  • Lacking the iron will which marked so many of her relatives Maggie loved easily and without restraint .

    玛吉由于缺乏她的许多亲戚都具有的钢铁般的意志,很容易爱上一个人而 控制 感情

  • Instead we must learn to enjoy ourselves & and above all to consume without restraint and without worrying about tomorrow .

    取而代之的是,我们必须学会享受生活&最重要是学会消费, 无拘无束,不惧明天。

  • We do not have to hostile to the rich but does not actually need it to rich men without restraint either'eulogize ' .

    我们并不需要有仇富心态,但其实也不需要大肆地对有钱人「 歌功颂德

  • She talked to me without restraint .

    毫无 拘束地跟我交谈。

  • She told me without restraint all about her married life .


  • The whys and wherefores the main reason lies in the crazy predation and destruction of the Japanese invaders . Agricultural production factors such as land 、 workforce etc are robbed and destroyed without restraint leading to the insufficiency of the agricultural input .

    个中原因,主要在于日本侵略者的疯狂掠夺与破坏:土地、劳动力等农业生产要素被 大肆掠夺与破坏,导致农业投入不足;

  • River fisheries are a natural resource of a very limited character and would be rapidly exhausted if allowed to be used by every one without restraint .

    内河渔场是数量非常有限的自然资源,如果 限制地允许每一个人使用,就会迅速地枯竭。

  • He spent without restraint and was soon reduced to poverty .


  • But I do not drop in no sense because I am resolved to catch up with you without restraint !

    但从某种意义上说我决不放弃,因为我决心 无拘无束的去追求你!

  • It is distinguished by the neck being raised without restraint forming a harmonious curve from the withers to the poll which is the highest point with the nose slightly in front of the vertical .

    但无论如何明显的可看到,颈部 必须 没有 拘束的自然地抬起,从耆甲到项部形成一条和谐的曲线,项部是最高点,鼻子位于垂直线稍前方。

  • Historical experience has proven that the exercise of power without restraint and supervision inevitably leads to corruption .

    历史证明 限制地、缺乏监督地行使权力不可避免地会导致腐败。

  • The main reason which has led to environment worsening is caused by human beings . It is because people do what they wish without restraint to the environment and with no temperance that the environment is becoming worse and worse .

    导致环境问题不断恶化的根本原因主要是人为因素造成的,正是由于人们对于环境的肆意妄为, 节制才使得环境得不到 控制

  • During the War of Resistance against Japan the Japanese army plundered the land without restraint and committed the unforgiving crime to the Chinese people .

    抗战期间,日军为了满足其军需民用,大面积掠夺土地资源,对中国人民犯下了 饶恕的罪行。

  • The reaction to growth without restraint emerges with both conservative and progressive interpretations .

    对于 缺少 限制的增长,保守派和激进派有着不同的理解和反应。

  • While promoting economy to increase fast and the global wealth to increase progressively the existing industrial economic system is accelerating consuming the environmental bearing capacity rob the resource and energy without restraint destroy bio-diversity become environmental disruption and deficient main origin of resource ;

    然而,现有的工业经济体制在促进经济快速增长、全球财富运步增加的同时,却在加快消耗环境承载能力, 大肆掠夺资源能源,破坏生物多样性,成为环境破坏与资源匮乏的主要根源;

  • On the other hand international lawbreakers cadge children multinationally without restraint in the name of foreign adoption whose shocking crimes make every country and area take cautious attitude to admitting the force of foreign adoption from another country or area even place obstacles .

    但另一方面,国际不法分子借涉外收养名义大肆跨国贩卖儿童,其骇人 丑行造成各个国家及地区对承认他国或他地区涉外收养的法律效力秉持审慎态度,甚至设置障碍。

  • With open frontiers and lax visa controls criminals could cross into the country without restraint .

    由于边境开放和签证管理松懈,罪犯可以 毫无 限制地进入这个国家。

  • What would have happened if we had continued to allow such posters to be put up without restraint ?

    如果让它漫 限制地搞下去,会出现什么事情?

  • Fighting corruption and advocating cleaness is an inevitable demand of marketing economy . There are many ways to conquer corruption and history tells us that power without restraint is sure to lead to corruption which is a universal law for the movement of political order .

    反腐倡廉是市场经济对我们提出的必然要求,根治腐败的途径很多,历史经验告诉我们: 制约的权力必然走向腐败,这是政治秩序运行的一条普遍规律。

  • The Colonel managed to hold out until now because he fights without restraint .

    卡扎菲上校之所以 负隅顽抗至今,是因为他的战斗不择手段。

  • If an alien species no longer faces the predators and diseases that it evolved alongside once established it may breed without restraint .

    如果外来物种不再面对与其一同进化演变的捕食者和病毒,只要满足这一点,该物种的繁殖将 限制

  • Now various systems and non-system authority influence peasant rights and interests without restraint as well as state law shows weak when facing power from government which make the guarantee problem of peasant rights and interests look very necessary .

    现阶段下,各种制度性与非制度性权威对农民权益的 恣意妄为,以及国家法律在面对权利时所表现出的尴尬,使农民权益的保障问题显得很必要。

  • On his way to flight he plundered money and values without restraint .

    在逃亡的过程中,他大肆 抢钱

  • It is difficult to solve the urban problem without restraint of city planning .

    没有规划 约束,极易引起难以解决的城市问题。

  • Goal Temperature Forecast Appling Neural Network for Hardening Machine Without Restraint


  • But more historical experience showed that the will of the state power without restraint then it was easily to expansion of harm to cinema development .

    但更多的历史经验表明,国家的权力意志 法的规训与 制约,那么它就极易膨胀而给影院发展带来危害。