without effort

[wɪðˈaʊt ˈɛfət][wiˈðaut ˈefət]


  • The world has watched in awe as China has sailed seemingly without effort through the worst global financial crisis in decades .

    世界怀着敬畏的心情看到,中国似乎 吹灰之力,就顺利走出了数十年来最为严重的全球金融危机。

  • The farmer was very glad that he got a rabbit without effort .

    农夫 力气白捡了一只兔子,心里非常高兴。

  • He lifted the big rock without effort .

    毫不费力 举起了这块大石头。

  • I am not saying that great scientific books can be read without effort .

    我并不是说,可以 气力 读懂科学名著。

  • You see me and breath on the fifth floor without effort !

    你瞧我,一口气上五楼, 费劲

  • When I forgot what I was doing and mowed without effort .

    我释然于怀,刈草 毫不费力

  • The holes in the nipples should not be so large that the infant gets this portion of food without effort ;

    奶瓶的奶嘴的开口不需要那么大,这样婴儿才 不会导致婴儿喝奶时 毫不费力

  • Without effort the ideal is no more than an idle dream .

    没有 奋斗,理想只能是空想。

  • Have you ever tried to be without effort ?

    你是否尝试 努力

  • It won 't happen without effort on your part though .

    但是这是 需要你个人的 努力 才能达成的。

  • Now if words and images come to me without effort it is a pretty sure sign that they are not the offspring of my own mind but stray waifs that I regretfully dismiss .

    如今,假如词语和想象变得 唾手可得,显然,这表明它们并非是出自我思想的产物,最多只是被我头脑遗弃的零星碎片。

  • They are those whose elements are harmoniously disposed so that the mind without effort can embrace their totality while realizing the details .

    它们是元素的和谐放置,以让思想 费力就能理感知整体和理解细节。

  • Like SQL parallelization is handled by the language itself without effort by the developer .

    类似对SQL的处理一样,并行的版本通过语言本身来处理, 开发人员的 努力

  • Nothing can be obtained without effort .

    气力什么也得 到。

  • Performing adroitly and without effort .

    熟练的完成, 没有 努力

  • Life is a continuous process of fighting and one cannot achieve success without effort .

    生命是一个不断奋斗的过程, 没有人可以 不劳而获

  • Each receives affection with joy and gives it without effort and each finds the whole world more interesting in consequence of the existence of this reciprocal happiness .

    彼此很愉快地接受,很 自然 给出,并且由于有了这种互惠的快乐,彼此都觉得整个世界更有趣味。

  • However just as Rome was not built in a day no one can achieve anything without effort .

    然而,正如罗马不是一天建成的,没有人能 不劳而获

  • About the only thing that comes without effort is old age .

    唯一 需要 努力 就能得到的东西是衰老。

  • Especially for some unemployed workers they just want to make money without effort .

    尤其是一些失业的工人,他们只想 努力 赚钱

  • At every instant or stage of a correct act it can be stopped withheld from continuing or reversed without any preliminary change of attitude and without effort .

    正确动作在任何时刻或阶段都可以,在不需要任何事先改变态度和 需要 努力 情况 ,被终止、停止继续、或逆转回来。

  • I am not saying that great scientific books can be read without effort . I am saying that if they are read in an historical order the effort is rewarded .

    我并不是说,可以 气力地读懂科学名著。我是说,如果按照历史顺序阅读它们,则 不会 徒劳

  • Europeans gaze longingly at the US where geeky technologists set up big cutting-edge businesses such as Google eBay and Youtube apparently without effort .

    欧洲人羡慕地注视着美国在那里,技术奇客们似乎 吹灰之力就创办了大型的高科技企业,例如谷歌(google)、ebay和youtube。

  • American and Chinese need to prepare them fully for this : the one who is gaining without effort will pay equally .

    美国人、中国人等都需要为此做好充分的心理准备, 不劳而获者迟早会付出对等的代价。

  • Then the answer rose to his lips easily without effort .

    接着, 毫不费力 ,答案轻松地涌到了他的唇边。

  • Very nice but too much of it too easy and regular served up without effort or wanting .

    虽然非常可口却太多。既 费力,也不欠缺,便能很简单很有规律的出现在我们的餐桌上。

  • You would just walk along that path and it will get you there without effort .

    你只要沿着那条路,它将会 指引你到达那里。

  • Greatly outnumbered Illidan discovered that his evil powers were of little use against cold steel and his recapture proved to be fairly easy . The weight-lifter lifted the rock without effort .

    寡不敌众的伊利丹发现他自己的邪恶力量对冷兵器毫无抵抗能力,于是,他轻而易举 被逮捕了。举重者 轻而易举地举起了大石头。

  • No one can achieve anything without effort .

    没有人能够 努力而有所成就。

  • The thing is accomplished without trouble without effort without reaction & following a natural and tranquil law .

    受某种平静的自然法则的支配,这个过程不会引起混乱, 无须 付出 努力,没有任何反作用。