word pattern

[wɚd ˈpætən][wə:d ˈpætən]


  • The article is mainly to explore rhetoric result by using the four - word pattern correctly in the process of translation and appling some examples to further explain how to enhance language result .

    本文从如何在翻译过程中恰当运用四 来阐释四 格在英译汉中的修辞效果,并结合实例进一步说明如何运用四 格来增强语言效果。

  • It then loops through each sentence and breaks that into individual words based on the word break pattern .

    然后循环通过每个句子,并基于 单词分割 模式将句子分割成单词。

  • The digital simulation sources achieve the design requirement of technical index it can realize the output of synthetic data stream and the code rate frame synchronization output data word and code pattern can be adjusted .

    设计的综合数据模拟源可输出码率、帧结构、数据 类型、码 可编程的综合数据,达到了设计技术指标要求。

  • The investigation of the CCTV feature-programme titles shows that the commonest ones are those of the modifier modified word structure in tetrad pattern whose basic rhythmic unit is disyllabic foot .

    对中央电视台栏目名的考察和分析表明,电视栏目名以四 格偏正结构最为常见,双音节 音步是其基本的韵律单位。

  • This study explores the static verb-object structure via a topical analysis of the word order pattern .

    动宾结构 词汇 是动词性成分或 宾语成分独立性弱化的结果。

  • Select a word you habitually use to describe your negative feelings and come up with an alternative word that will break your pattern or at least lower your intensity .

    选出一个你惯用于表达负面感觉的词,再换一个 ,能中止你的旧行为 模式,或至少缓解你的情绪。

  • In a word the NIDS model combining Pattern Math and Protocol Analysis that we propose in this paper can improve the detection speed of NIDS and reduce the consumption of the system resource decrease the frequency of misinformation and get obvious improvement in performance .

    本论文提出的 模式匹配与协议分析相结合的网络入侵 检测模型,可提高检测速度、减少系统资源消耗、降低误报率,明显改善系统性能。

  • In this part we do a static state analyse from the word 's source the translative pattern and the semantic classification basing on the exhausting statistics of the loanwords in the five edition .

    本部分在对1&5版《现汉》中的外来词进行穷尽性统计的基础上,从 词语来源、译介 方式和语义类别等三方面进行静态分析。

  • Differentiation of word formation pattern of tou in modern Chinese nouns of locality

    现代汉语方位词中头的 构词 方式辨析

  • Then Using isolated word token as reference pattern a fast dynamic time warping ( FDTW ) matching procedure is perbormed .

    构造出一种快速动态时间弯折( FDTW)匹配过程。

  • A Comparison and Analysis of the Principal-subordinate Word Group Pattern between English and Russian

    英俄语言主从 词组关系 模式对比分析

  • Accordingly the process of information extraction includes two steps . Sentence information extraction is based on the center vector model as well as word or clause information be extracted by pattern matching .

    相应地,信息抽取过程也分两级,即采用基于中心向量模型的方法抽取句子级信息,采取 模式匹配的方法抽取 词语或短语级信息。

  • The results have shown in expository text reading there was word frequency effect and word class effect on fixation duration and fixation pattern .

    实验结果发现,词频及 词汇类型对读者眼球运动 型态的影响,会因文体不同而有不同。

  • In a word B / S pattern is the browser and the server structure .

    B/S( Browser/Server结构即浏览器/服务器结构。

  • This allows us to talk about them at a higher level of abstraction which delivers more semantic content per word than trying to describe the pattern details individually .

    这样使我们能够在一个更高的抽象层来对它们进行讨论,它提供了语义更强的 语境,而不是单个地记述这个 模式的详细资料。

  • In a word the OWSS based puncturing pattern design provides an effective alternative of generating adaptive Turbo coding scheme to satisfy the performance requirement of diverse applications .

    总之,基于OWSS准则的穿孔 模式设计可以满足不同的应用需求,是产生自适应Turbo码的有效方法。

  • The word link pattern is an important dimension in mental lexicon .

    词汇的联结 模式是心理词汇的一个重要方面。

  • The word pattern is derived from the same root as the word patron .

    模式”这个 与保护神这个词来自同一词根。

  • In foreign language teaching Adjectives and syntactic functions of word formation pattern is that students must first understand the master .

    在对外汉语教学中,形容词重叠式的 构词 方式和句法功能是学生首先要理解掌握的。

  • Avoidance is a kind of circuitous way that the learners use when they are not sure about a certain sound or a word or a pattern or when they feel difficult about them .

    本文认为回避是学习者对某个音或某个 或某个 句型等不清楚或感到困难时所采取的一种迂回手段。

  • Puzzle solving is something of a game if one thinks of winning by finishing the picture or word pattern in a specified time with no outside help .

    假如在没有人帮助的情况下,在规定的时间内完成一幅画或解出 字谜算赢,那么 解谜也是一种游戏。

  • This paper introduces some basic techniques of speech recognition and presentes an isolated word recognition system which is based on pattern matching by using dynamic time warping algorithm . The testing result of this system is promising .

    文章介绍利用动态时间伸缩算法(DTW)行 模式匹配的孤立 识别系统,系统测试结果表明,效果较为理想。

  • Region status word bit pattern

    区域状态 组合 格式

  • A word that is used as a pattern to decode an encrypted message .

    用于为加密信息作注释 模式

  • Lexicon in Modern Chinese is further enriched and developed by giving new meanings to the old words and borrowing and referring to loanwords and dialectal words presenting some new characteristics in word formation : additional formation becomes an important pattern ;

    通过给原有旧词赋予新义以及积极吸收借鉴外来词与方言词等途径,现代汉语词汇得到了进一步的丰富和发展,在构建上也相应呈现出一些全新特点:附加 构词法成为重要 模式

  • It attaches more importance to the teaching of word meaning . Teachers adopt the pattern of present-practise-produce to help students master the dictionary meanings of new words and students ' task is to remember new words as quickly as they can .

    词汇教学更多注重的是 词义教学,教师用讲解操练复用的教学 模式帮助学生掌握生词的词典意义,而学生的任务是速记生词。

  • The repeated use of the same word or word pattern as a rhetorical device .

    作为修辞方法的同一个单词或 句型的反复使用。

  • Chapter Three interprets the character of Chinese word order from the comparison of Chinese-English sentence pattern . To some extent Chinese could embody Sequencing Iconicity and the copy of the objective world better and better .

    第三章主要从汉英两种 基本 句式对比的角度来阐释汉语 语序的个性,也 就是 汉语在某种程度上更能体现顺序象似性原则,更能体现出汉语语序是对客观世界的临摹。