word length

[wɚd lɛŋkθ][wə:d leŋθ]


  • Word Length as a Factor in Learning English Vocabulary : An Empirical Study


  • The difference of word length effect between PWS and people who do not stutter ( PWNS ) provided important support for the phonological encoding deficit hypothesis of stuttering .

    口吃者与非口吃者在 效应上的差异是口吃语音编码缺陷的一个重要的支持证据。

  • Receiver and transmitter devices must have the same word length the same parity and the same number of stop bits .

    接受方和发送方必须具有相同的 相同的校验方式,和相同的终止位。

  • Forth this paper has improved Reverse Maximum Match Method . Comparing length of the string to be processed with maximum word length of hash dictionary which led to its double word then we can set the maximum word length of Reverse Maximum Match Method .

    四是将逆向最大匹配算法进行改进,将待处理字符串的长度和以它的双字为首的哈希词典的最大 进行比较,从而确定逆向最大匹配过程中的最大词长。

  • This paper mainly describes the amplitude and phase errors caused by zero-order holder and the error caused by finite word length of D / A and computer simulation test of D / A error is also introuced .

    针对零阶保持器引起的幅度误差和相位误差,以及D/A转换器有限 字长引起的误差进行了较为详细的分析,并进行了D/A误差仿真试验。

  • Theoretically it is shown that this separation coefficient method obtained by special nonsingular translation is more efficient in computing with its numerical stability enhanced the requirement of the word length of computer being reduced and the merits of the original algorithm remaining .

    理论分析表明,经过一种特殊非奇异变换后所得到的分离系数法,计算更加有效,数值稳定性得到提高,降低了对计算机 字长的要求,并保留原算法的若干优点。

  • A Study of Finite Word Length Effects in Digital Control Systems

    数字控制系统中有限 字长效应的研究

  • Each group consists of 30 Chinese-English word pairs . All four groups are matched in word frequency and word length .

    每组共30个汉英词对,各组在词频和 上相互匹配。

  • The results show that both periodic and transitional chaotic sequences have positive maximum Lyapunov exponent and the small data sets method is robust to the finite word length of the computer .

    通过数值计算结果表明:有限 字长混沌序列的周期态和过渡态都具有正的最大Lyapunov指数,且小数据量法对有限 字长效应是鲁棒的。

  • Some real computers have a twelve bit word length .

    某些实际应用的计算机的 字长为12位。

  • The finite word length of digital computers has great influence on the implementation of control software .

    计算机的有限 字长对数字控制器的实现有重要影响。

  • A corpus-based lexical study is conducted to analyze the Tibet-related English in terms of lexical density lexical growth rates word length word frequency distribution key words ( Tibet-related proper nouns ) .

    本文采用了基于语料库的词汇研究方法,主要对涉藏英语词汇的词汇密度,词汇增长, ,词频分布,关键词(主要为涉藏专有名词)作出了定量及定性的描写。

  • The number of smaller units ( bits bytes characters words ) in a larger unit ( word length block length message length ) .

    大单元( 字长、块长、报文长)中较小单元(位、字节、字符、字)的数目。

  • A multistage structure is used to reduce the complexity of filter coefficients and the finite word length effect .

    该方法使用多级结构以降低滤波器系数的复杂度和有限 字长效应。

  • This paper adopts an exponential average low pass filter and a cascade form to effectively solve the conflict between the veracity of harmonic detection and real-time requirements and the finite word length of DSP design .

    文中采用指数平均低通滤波器,并利用级联技术,解决了数字信号处理器有限 字长与谐波提取的准确性和实时性之间的矛盾。

  • The convergence behavior of low accuracy form and high auuracy form is discussed . This paper also statistically analyses the quantization effect resulting from finite word length .

    讨论了低精度和高精度两种实现方式的收敛特性,并对有限 字长引起的量化效应进行了统计分析。

  • A study on finite word length characteristics of Z-transform and δ - transform

    Z变换和Δ变换的有限 字长特性研究

  • Technically the term work size ( also called word length ) describes the size of an operand register but it is also used more loosely to describe the size of the pathway to and from the processor .

    字的大小这一术语(也称 字长)描述了操作数寄存器的大小,但它也可用来不那么严格地描述出入处理器的通道的大小。

  • Chapter operations to write a program the input image Huffman display the original image entropy encoded average code word length and be able to reconstruct the image according to encoding .

    第五章作业编写一个程序,对输入的图像进行哈夫曼编码,显示原图像的熵、编码后的平均 码字 长度、并能够根据编码重建出图像。

  • According to the derived formula of the sensitivity of zeros to coefficients the principle of structure splitting of the generic filters is presented and the application of it to reducing largely word length is illustrated .

    根据推导的系数零点灵敏度公式,提出了该类滤波器的结构分裂原理并列示了它在大幅度减少 字长方面的应用。

  • The effects of finite word length in LMS adaptive noise canceller are discussed .

    本文讨论了LMS自适应噪声对消器的有限 字长效应。

  • Factors that affect readability include sentence and word length and the frequency of uncommon words .

    影响可读性的因素包括词句的 长度,以及非常用 的出现频度。

  • To analyse the chaotic time sequences by computer should consider the finite word length of the computer .

    借助计算机对混沌序列进行数值分析必须考虑计算机的存储 字长有限这个条件。

  • A digital computer designed for a process-control system and generally limited in instruction capacity word length and accuracy .

    为过程控制而设计的一种数字计算机,通常其指令能力、 字长和精度是有限的。

  • The word length effect is the finding that the serial recall of lists of long words is worse than the recall of lists of short words .

    本研究中的 效应是由一组长词组成的词表比短词组成的词表的序列位置回忆成绩更差的现象。

  • Reducing the quantization word length of decoding information can effectively decrease the hardware complexity .

    降低译码信息的量化 位宽能有效地降低译码器硬件复杂度。

  • An Analysis of the Finite Word Length Effects on Orthonormal Discrete Wavelet Transform

    正交离散子波变换有限 字长效应分析

  • The relationship between word length and threshold character size in patients with central scotoma and eccentric fixation

    有中心暗点和偏注视患者的 字体 长度和字体大小阈值的关系

  • For example word length in German is greater than in many other languages .

    例如,德语的 单词 长度大于很多其他语言。