


  • Zhou Chunya started painting his German wolfhound Hei Gen as early as1995 .

    早于1995年,周春芽便开始绘画他的德国 狼狗黑根。

  • The policeman reached down and petted the wolfhound

    警察伸手抚摸那 狼犬

  • Observation on Heat Resistance of German Shepherd Dog Indigenous Wolfhound of China and their Crosses

    德国牧羊犬、中国地方 狼犬及其杂种耐热性能观察

  • Heat stress of purebred German Shepherd Dogs was more evident than that of indigenous wolfhound of China .

    其他 方面,纯繁德国牧羊犬的应激 反应 较中国地方 狼犬明显。

  • High air temperature had larger effect on feed intake of purebred German Shepherd Dogs than of indigenous wolfhound of China and F_1 crossbreds ( P < 0.05 ) .

    高温对纯繁德国牧羊犬采食量的影响显著高于中国地方 狼犬和杂一代(P<0.05);

  • I gave her five gray Persian cats ( I love cats ) and an Irish wolfhound .

    她还有五个灰色波斯猫(我喜欢猫)和爱尔兰 狼犬

  • Any of various large dogs such as the Irish wolfhound or the borzoi trained to hunt wolves or other large game .

    一种大 狗中,象爱尔兰 狼狗俄国狼狗,被训练 后来捕狼或其他大的野兽。

  • Being a veterinarian I had been called to examine a ten-year-old Irish Wolfhound named Belker .

    作为一名兽医,我曾经上门为一只十岁叫做贝克的爱尔兰 狼犬做检查。

  • We 're both irish your wolfhound and me .

    我们都是爱尔兰来的,你的 和我。

  • The huge wolfhound danced in circles around his mistress .

    狼犬围着女主人蹦蹦 跳跳地绕圈子。