


  • In May 1817 Jane Austen went to Winchester for medical treatment . Here on July 18 she died and six days later was buried in Winchester Cathedral .

    1817年5月,简·奥斯汀去 温彻斯特治病,7月18日,她在这里与世长辞,六天后在温彻斯特大教堂下葬。

  • One British officer billeted on a Winchester clergyman was reported to the police by the clergyman 's daughter as a suspected German spy on the grounds that he did not flush the toilet after use .

    一个英国军官在文契 斯特一名牧师家里住宿,牧师的女儿报警,说怀疑他是德国间谍,因为他上厕所后不冲马桶。

  • Simon Winchester was born and educated in England has lived in Africa Ireland India and China and now lives in New York city and the Berkshire Hills of western Massachusetts .

    赛门 温契斯特,出生成长在英格兰,曾在非洲、爱尔兰、印度和中国等国家生活,现 居于纽约及麻省西部的伯克夏山。

  • Students at Winchester also have the opportunity to undertake study-tours to China as a part of their degree .

    与此同时,在 温切斯特艺术学院就读的学生也将有机会选择中国游学作为他们学位课程的一部分。

  • Winchester disk drive 8 print out control sheet inventory checking list and two-ply inventory cards .


  • There is something going on and it needs to be studied further Winchester concluded .


  • One Sears store in Winchester Virginia reputedly had fewer than 50 customers using its layaway shelves in December mainly for clothing and jewellery .

    据说,在弗吉尼亚州 温切斯特 的一家西尔斯商店,12月份仅有不到50名顾客使用了分期预付,大部分购买的是服装和珠宝。

  • Mr Winchester is impressively knowledgeable about all manner of things .


  • The slugs are Winchester hollowpoints .

    子弹是 温彻斯特空尖弹头。

  • The hedgehog will hide its apples inside Winchester and will construct hidden passages under the earth .

    猬会把它的苹果 收藏温彻斯特里面,会建筑隐藏的地下通道。

  • It meant that he missed out on an opportunity to go up to Oxford as a Winchester scholar .

    这次 转学意味着他失去了以 温切斯特学生的 资格上牛津深造的机会。

  • You mean someone that ain 't scared of a Winchester rifle ?

    你意思是说 追击 不怕 温彻斯特来福枪?

  • Three springs shall burst forth in the town of Winchester and the streams which run from them will divide the island into three parts .


  • I was referring to the Duke of winchester .

    我说的是 温彻斯特公爵。

  • At that time only the Mesopotamians had made such strides in controlling their rivers Mr Winchester says .


  • What Happened To Diane When She Left The Winchester ?

    当她离开 温彻斯特时黛安发生什么?

  • The car broke down just outside winchester .

    车就在 温切斯特外面坏了。

  • He was coming out of the Duke of winchester 's room .

    他当时正走出 温彻斯特公爵的房间。

  • In Britain public schools are the very oldest and most expensive schools like Eton Harrow Rugby Winchester and Cheltenham Ladies College .

    在英国,公立学校是那些非常古老和最昂贵的学校,比如伊顿、哈罗、拉格比、 温彻斯特和彻腾姆女子学院。

  • Robyn went out to Winchester Virginia found a litter of black Labs and brought home Chester .

    罗宾去了 弗吉尼亚的 温切斯特,发现了一窝黑色的拉布拉多小狗,于是,把切斯特带回了家。

  • This is Cuthbert of winchester one of our most esteemed Franciscan guests .

    这位是 温彻斯特的卡斯伯特,最尊贵的圣方济各会客人中的一个。

  • We actually found that every single birth defect category had a greater risk between April and July Winchester said .

    事实上我们发现, 受孕 时间在4月和7月之间时,每一个出生缺陷类别都有更大的风险。

  • After the short drive from Chawton I arrived in Winchester in time to have a look around the cathedral before evensong began at 5:30 .

    我从查顿坐车,很快就到了 温彻斯特大教堂,赶在5:30晚课开始之前,把它里里外外看了个遍。

  • After the Romans left Winchester became the capital of england .

    罗马人离开之后, 温彻斯特成为英格兰的首都。

  • While Dean Winchester has already been through quite the journey with Benny on Supernatural already this season its not over yet .

    在这季邪恶力量的 剧情里,Dean和 Benny已经走过了不 的旅程,但这还没有结束。

  • They were all equipped with new Winchester rifles .

    他们都配备着崭新的 温彻斯特 来复枪。

  • This essay introduce the characteristics and development of several kinds of HDD includes Winchester Hard Drive solid state disk and hybrid disk .

    本文介绍了 温切斯特磁盘、固态硬盘和混合硬盘的特点及其发展过程。

  • Last week I boarded an evening train carrying commuters home to Winchester and beyond .

    上周我坐上了一列夜车, 车载着上班族们回到 位于 温彻斯特甚至 更远 地方的家里。