


  • From clothing structure with body suit demonstrated idle windbreaker and other coat the possibility of mutual transformation between split combinations in every detail to determine their size do unification in the details not uniform size design how to split transformation .

    从服装结构上论证 风衣与体闲西装和其他外套拆分组合相互转化的可能性,确定二者在各细部尺寸上如何做到统在无法统一尺寸的细部,设计如何进行拆分转化。

  • Is a design manufacturing sales in one of the ski clothes windbreaker and other professional clothing company .

    佛山 天雅 贸易有限公司是一家 设计、制造、销售于一体的滑雪服、 风衣等服装的专业公司。

  • Bush was also presented with a baseball windbreaker and a birthday cake shaped like a ball park with a Texas Rangers logo .

    布什收到的生日礼物还 包括一件棒球 ,和一个形状像棒球场的生日蛋糕,蛋糕上还饰有“德州游骑兵”棒球俱乐部的标志。

  • She found the windbreaker too expensive .

    她觉得那 风衣太贵了。

  • The models in the Miss Seeker guided by the footsteps marched toward lithe their point shooting and took off his white windbreaker .

    模特们在导引小姐的导引下,迈着轻盈的脚步走向自己的拍摄点,脱下白色的 风衣

  • Her red windbreaker and long blond hair were shining like bright flags in the darkness .

    她的红色 防风 夹克,她的金色长发,在 探照灯照射下,闪闪发光,像黑暗中的鲜艳红旗。

  • This kind of windbreaker is completely different from the ever traditional windbreaker in the style structure and technique .

    新的 功能风衣区别于旧式的风衣,它无论在款式、结构和工艺上都进行了大量的创新设计,与以往 风衣涵盖范围完全不同了。

  • Mum bargained for a windbreaker .

    妈为了一 风衣杀价

  • A self-prepared field battle Windbreaker stretcher for fixation of spinal cord injury and its application

    自制野战 风衣 脊柱脊髓损伤外固定担架及应用指标测定

  • No this windbreaker is not his .

    不是,这 风衣不是他的。

  • In the past Jones both under his own label and in collaboration with sports brand Umbro has created dress shirts in windbreaker fabrics and tailored suits in neoprene .

    过去,琼斯曾在自己的品牌和与运动品牌茵宝(umbro)合作使用 防风面料和氯丁橡胶,分别制作出了礼服衬衣和定制西装。

  • Objective : To design and prepare a field battle Windbreaker stretcher for fixation of spinal cord injury using macromolecular material and to determine its application index and assess its efficacy .

    目的:自行设计制备野战“ 风衣 ”高分子材料脊柱脊髓损伤外固定担架,测定应用指标,评价应用效果。

  • Monty was wearing a dark blue knitted sweater and over it an open leather windbreaker .

    蒙蒂身穿一件深蓝色毛衣,罩一 御风 皮衣

  • Produced products : T shirt blouses windbreaker Wei clothing sportswear jeans wear such .

    制作的产品有:T恤,衬衣, 风衣,卫衣,运动服,牛仔裤,童装等。

  • Where the hell 's my windbreaker ?

    我的 风衣在哪里?