winding factor

[ˈwaɪndɪŋ ˈfæktɚ][ˈwaɪndɪŋ ˈfæktə]


  • Winding the needle tube of working procedure is an important position in the automatic medical apparatus injector assembly line It is major factor effecting the winding the needle tube of working procedure assembly quality in coordinating of winding needle 、 merging mould and scraping needle .

    针管工位是自动化医疗器械注射针装配线上的一个重要工位,影响上针管工位针管装配质量的重要 因素在于上针、合模、刮针动作的协调一致程度。

  • Judgement and Analysis of the Winding Deformation by the Related Factor of Frequency Response Analysis

    正确应用频率响应相关 系数分析和判断 绕组变形

  • The excitation characteristic of secondary winding of current transformer is the key factor to transformer performance and the quality of secondary winding directly influences that of the quality .

    电流互感器二次 绕组的励磁特性是决定互感器性能的重要 因素,二次绕组品质的好坏直接关系到成品的质量。

  • Some typical winding schemes for far pole-ratio pole-changing machines are proposed in view of judging factor and the analysis and experimental study of these schemes are shown .

    基于判断 系数观点,本文提出了用于生产实际中的远极此单 绕组双速电机的一些典型方案,同时对这些方案进行了分析及试验验证。

  • In this paper the calculation of harmonic winding factor and unity harmonic leakage magnetic conduction ∑ _s were described for any q value in Y △ mixture winding and the choice of ∑ _s were also discussed .

    文中描述了Y△混合绕组每极每相槽数q为任意值时,谐波 绕组 系数的计算,谐波单位漏磁导∑s的计算与选取。

  • The Winding Method of Prestressed Wire-winded Frame with Varied Tension The Relationships of Property ;; Technical Factor and Organization of the Medium-Strength Prestressed Steel Wire

    予应力钢丝 缠绕机架的变张力缠绕中强予应力钢丝的性能与工艺 因素及组织的关系

  • Formula of rare-earth permanent magnet brushless DC motor with fraction-slot windings is given and the calculation method of magnetic-field winding factor is introduced . A calculating example is offered . The result of calculation agrees upon practical mesurements of the two prototypes .

    给出了采用分数槽绕组的稀土永磁无刷直流电动机的反电势计算公式,说明磁场 绕组 系数的计算方法,给出了计算实例,计算结果与样机的实测数据相吻合。

  • On the control winding flux given in different and load such changes a large number of experiments for the power factor showed that the value of flux given could regulate the size of power factor also regulate the nature of reactive power .

    对控制 绕组在不同磁链给定及负载等变化时的功率 因数进行了大量实验,实验结果表明,调节磁链给定值既能调节功率因数的大小也能调节其无功功率性质。

  • For the design of the prototype first the choice of slot and pole number combination is done from the winding factor the cogging torque harmonic of MMF asymmetric radial magnetic pull force fault-tolerant eddy current losses and so on .

    对于该样机的设计,首先从 绕组 因数、齿槽转矩、定子磁动势谐波、不对称径向磁拉力、容错能力和涡流损耗等方面介绍了极槽配合的选取。

  • The result indicates that increasing the voltage exerted on the winding is conducive to quick response of solenoid and the opening pulse and PWM pulse duty factor determine the magnitude of current in different phases .

    试验表明,提高 线圈电压有助于实现电磁阀快速开启,开启脉冲和PWM占空 决定了不同阶段电流的大小,三者的有机调节,可以实现理想的电流波形。

  • The influence between Section spacing of secondary winding primary winding and flux leakage of magnetic core to the secondary winding are simulated the equivalent factor is introduced between the rectangular wire and the round wire .

    模拟分析次级绕组段间距、初级绕组以及磁芯漏磁对次级 绕组 损耗的影响,并引入了矩形导线和圆导线之间的等效 因子

  • The key of quality control to stator winding installation with fuzzy theory is to set up factor gather and weight gather .

    用模糊理论对定子 下线整个 工序安装质量控制的关键是建立 因素集和权重集。