Winchester disk


  • On the Split Technology for the Control Software on a Winchester Disk Drive with an Embedded Servo

    嵌入式伺服下 ZDR 控制软件中SPLIT技术的研究

  • A Simulation Study of the Temperature Characteristic of a Head Positioning System for the Winchester Disk


  • Winchester disk drive 8 print out control sheet inventory checking list and two-ply inventory cards .

    温彻斯特 磁盘机,硬盘机列印盘点控制表,盘点清单及盘点卡一式二联。

  • Active-controll technology of anti-shock for Winchester disk driver


  • Generic specification of mini-magnetic head for Winchester disk drive

    GB/T14080-1993 驱动器小型磁头通用技术条件

  • This essay introduce the characteristics and development of several kinds of HDD includes Winchester Hard Drive solid state disk and hybrid disk .

    本文介绍了 温切斯特磁盘、固态 硬盘和混合硬盘的特点及其发展过程。

  • Modeling and Analysis or Winchester Disk Stable Speed System


  • The dynamical response of head disk system to a half sine pulse excitation is analyzed by means of numerical method according to the dynamical equations of head disk collision under the shock excitation for the Winchester type hard disk drive .

    根据 Winchester硬盘驱动器在冲击载荷作用下头盘碰撞的动力学方程,利用数值模拟方法分析了在正弦半波激励条件下头盘系统的动力学响应过程。

  • On Servo Code Writing for a High Density Small Winchester Disk Drive

    高密度小型 驱动器伺服码刻写的研究

  • Pc / at Winchester disk subsystem and system restitution

    PC/AT 子系统与系统恢复

  • Study of Flying Characteristics of the Magnetic Head in 5.25 Winchester Disk

    5.25英寸 Winchester 磁盘磁头浮动特性研究

  • Connection between Fujitsu Winchester disk and VAX computer system

    FUJITSU 与VAX计算机的连接

  • A Synchronous Clock Writing Technology of Servo Code Writing on the High Capacity Winchester Disk Driver

    高容量 驱动器伺服码同步时钟录写技术

  • Due to restriction of the mechanical operation traditional mechanical-electrical Winchester hard disk drive has encountered the performance bottleneck .

    由于机械操作的局限性,传统的机电一体化 温彻斯特 硬盘在性能提升上已经遭遇瓶颈。