wind mill

[wɪnd mɪl][wind mil]


  • Fiberglass is an important raw material for making wind mill blades and Jushi is one of the earliest domestic fiberglass manufactures to enter wind energy market .

    玻纤是 叶片中的重要原料,巨石集团是最早进入这一领域的国内玻纤企业。

  • Wind mill generator unit hydraulic brake system can realize the functions of yaw brake control and main shaft brake control .


  • Description : Production nail pneumatic drills pneumatic screwdriver wind mill pneumatic wrench and pneumatic tools .

    简介:生产钉枪、风钻、 风动螺丝批、 风磨、风动扳手等气动工具。

  • Plant Experiment Using Graphitic Pretreatment of Ductile Iron Part for Wind Mill

    使用石墨预处理方法 生产 电机球墨铸铁件

  • Application of FM 350 in Yaw Control System of MW Wind - mill Generators

    FM350在MW级 风力发电机组偏航控制系统中的应用

  • Copper alloy with high conductivity and high strength is widely used for wind mill generator and pulling motor used for electric express locomotive to reach to high power and small in size .
