wind off

[wɪnd ɔf][wind ɔf]


  • There 's a pretty strong wind off the desert .

    沙漠那边 风力太强

  • The wind blew everything off the table tablecloth and all .

    把桌子上的所有东西连桌布都 吹掉了。

  • The strong wind tore the flag off the pole .

    大风把旗帜 旗杆 猛的刮

  • The wind has slackened off now .

    现在 风势已经 减弱

  • She turned the plane into the wind to take off .

    她把飞机驶转向 准备 起飞

  • Research geometrical shape of cutting edge to new type of micro milling tools with tapered shape through test The wind was slicing off the tops of the waves now .

    新型微细锥形铣刀几何刃形设计与试验研究 呼啸而来,象利刃一样切割着波峰 浪尖

  • I 'm afraid that the wind might Blow off the roof .

    我怕 可能会吹 屋顶。

  • The jet caused a great gust of wind and off flew their hats .

    喷气式飞机带起一 阵风吹掉 他们头 的帽子。

  • The wind tailed off in the evening .

    在傍晚时逐渐 停息

  • Language expert Barry Popick says on his website that Chicago was called a windy city because of the wind that blows off of Lake Michigan .

    语言学家巴里·泼皮克曾在他的主页上提到,芝加哥的“风城”之名取自密歇根湖 吹来

  • By April the wind had taken off almost all the plant material and most of the soil . '

    到了4月份, 已经将几乎所有的植物和大部分土壤都

  • Fire might have kissed more intensely or the wind off the Waste but no human woman .

    和荒野地的 曾经给过他如此强烈而热情的吻,但不是女人。

  • It may take an hour to wind off all the thread .

    所有线都 松下需一个小时。

  • The force of the wind nearly blew me off my feet .

    大风几乎把我吹 在地。

  • Fell to the ground the glass window the distant place infinite scenery the wind carries off the heart seed .

    落地玻璃窗,远处无限风景, 把心的种子 带走

  • The wind blew my hat off .


  • A thrilling wind blew off the frozen lake .

    刺骨的 寒风 着结了冰的湖。

  • The strong wind blew the ship off course and we were lost .

    强风把船只吹 航道,我们迷失了方向。

  • There was an icy easterly wind blowing off the sea .

    有一股由 东边海上吹来的凛冽的 寒风

  • With its passengers bundled against the arctic wind blowing off the Beaufort Sea the small boat speeds smoothly across the lagoon .

    迎着 吹过北福海的北极 寒风,随着匆忙前进的游客,小船快速平稳地穿过环礁湖。

  • The pilot turned the plane into the wind to take off .

    飞行员把飞机转到 顺风 方向 起飞

  • The heavy wind cut off the wire .

    大风 电线。

  • The north trade wind region off California ;

    (Ⅱ)加利福尼亚 北信 海区;

  • The application has proved that the trouble ratio has been up to zero from producing burden level signal trouble 7.7 times wind off 12.8h slow wind 41h mean every year before reforming of BF .

    应用表明,高炉由改造前的平均每年发生料位测量信号故障7.7次、 12.8h、慢风41h,达到零故障。

  • The wind drove the ship off its course .

    迫使该船 偏离航道。

  • To block sand blown by the wind and cut off the sand movement path between the sand source and the traffic route & this is sand obstructing ;

    以阻滞风沙 切断沙源与交通线路之间的风沙移动路径阻沙;

  • A gust of wind swept the bed off the roof and sent it crashing into the courtyard below .

    一阵 大风把床 屋顶上刮 下来,摔碎在下面的院子里。

  • This is a blind tee shot because the hedge cuts in but the wind off the right can help shape your drive .

    由于树篱的遮挡,这是个盲球。但是 向右 可以帮你调整球的路线。

  • A gust of wind knocked him off balance and he fell face down in the mud .

    一阵 大风刮得他 失去平衡,脸朝下摔在泥里。