window advertising

[ˈwɪndo ˈædvɚˌtaɪzɪŋ][ˈwindəu ˈædvəˌtaɪzɪŋ]

[经] 橱窗广告

  • And40 percent said they had seen window displays or advertising boards that children should not be exposed to .

    而40%的父母称他们曾看到某些 橱窗展示以及 广告牌上的内容并不适宜儿童看到。

  • When it premiered in 2007 Mad Men opened a window into the advertising industry and also the US during the tumultuous 1960s .

    2007年首播的《 广告狂人》不仅是人们了解 广告业的一 扇窗,也让观众有机会一睹美国喧嚣的六十年代。

  • Advertising photography is now widely applied in commodity packaging window advertising fashion show advertising column and advertising in newspapers and periodicals .

    因而,广告摄影现已被广泛运用于包装、 广告、时装展览、报刊 杂志等众多媒介。