Windows tutorial

[ˈwɪndoz tuˈtɔriəl][ˈwindəuz tu:ˈtɔ:ri:əl]

n.Windows 教程

  • To run the examples in this tutorial the minimum platform requirements are a computer running Windows XP on which you 've installed the AIDE software and Axis Tomcat V5 and Java SE V5.0 .

    要运行本 教程中的示例,必须满足平台的最低要求:一台运行 WindowsXP且安装了AIDE软件和Axis、TomcatV5和JavaSEV5.0的计算机。

  • This tutorial assumes that you are using a Microsoft Windows operating system preferably XP or later .

    教程假设您使用Microsoft Windows操作系统,最好是XP或更新版本。

  • A later tutorial in this series will describe in detail the process of building Windows applications and Web sites using IBM tools .

    本系列后面的 教程中将详细描述利用IBM工具构建 Windows应用程序和Web站点的过程。

  • Whether you do or not that folder will be your local Windows source for the rest of this tutorial .

    无论你做或没有,该文件夹将您的本地 Windows就本 教程的其余部分的来源。

  • This tutorial explains how to add a menu item that runs a Windows application or that runs a script to the Tools menu or Help menu in Internet Explorer .

    教程介绍如何添加菜单项运行一个 Windows应用程序或运行一个脚本工具菜单或菜单在InternetExplorer的帮助。

  • The instructions and examples in the tutorial are based on a Microsoft Windows operating system .

    教程的操作说明和示例均基于Microsoft Windows操作系统。

  • Enter the login account and password for the NS tutorial windows service .

    输入 windows服务的 登录帐户和密码。

  • Many of the exploits throughout this tutorial are Windows specific but they can be adapted for other operating systems .

    虽然本 教程采用的许多开发 工具都是 Windows特有的,但是它们也适用于其他操作系统。