


  • I have done woodwork for many years

    我做 木工好多年了。

  • Meanwhile competitors come out of the woodwork with lawsuits claiming their ideas were ripped off .

    与此同时, 不知哪儿 出来的竞争对手 突然发起诉讼, 言之凿凿地声称他们的创意被窃取了。

  • They were settling to their work rubbing down the woodwork with sandpaper .

    他们开始工作,用砂纸把 制品打磨平滑。

  • The woodwork has been treated with a new chemical .

    这种 制品已用一种新的化学药品进行了处理。

  • We used a gloss finish on the woodwork .

    我们在 木器 上上了一层光滑的漆。

  • I studied woodwork at school .

    我在学校学习过 制品

  • If you paint over the cracks in the woodwork they won 't show so badly .

    你要是把 木器上的这些裂缝 上漆,它们就不会那么难看了。

  • The woodwork is painted white .


  • She 's good at woodwork metalwork and painting .

    她善于 木器制作、金属制品制作和绘画。

  • Rain has got in and rotted the woodwork .

    雨水渗进来,使 木构 腐烂了。

  • When a song gets to the top someone will come out of the woodwork and claim to have written it .

    当一首歌非常流行的时候,有人就会 出来,说是自己写的。

  • Put a coat of varnish over the woodwork . Be careful the paint may smear .

    木制 上涂亮光漆当心,油漆会 涂污的。

  • Cream for cleaning polishing or preserving wooden furniture and other woodwork

    清洁、抛光或保养木制家具、木制地板和其他 制品用的乳膏

  • I forgot how beautiful this woodwork is .

    我都不记得这 木头有多漂亮了。

  • He learned to paint in order to decorate the woodwork he had created .

    他学习绘画是为了装饰他做的 制品

  • The woodwork 's green now . I preferred it blue

    这个 制品现在是绿色的。我更喜欢它是蓝色的。

  • Burn off the old paint fill any cracks in the woodwork and rub down well with sandpaper .

    将这 木器原来的漆烧掉,填补好上面的裂缝,再用砂纸磨光。

  • We contracted with a local carpenter to do the woodwork in our new boat .

    我们把新船上的木匠活承包给当地的一个 木匠

  • The paint was peeling from the woodwork .

    木工 部件上的漆正在剥落。

  • The woodwork has recently been given a fresh coat of paint .


  • As a general purpose finishing coat on interior and exterior steel and woodwork in moderately corrosive environment .

    作为通用面漆,用于中等腐蚀性环境下的钢板或 结构的内、外表面 涂布

  • Glues for veneers plywood interior woodwork such as panels and so on .

    用来粘合美耐板、夹板,或是壁板、板等室内 制品的粘胶。

  • Joseph instructs a class in woodwork .

    约瑟夫教一个班 木工

  • The finish and workmanship of the woodwork was excellent .

    木工 的抛光和做工均属上乘。

  • Woodwork finished by hand by a cabinetmaker .

    由细工木匠最后手工完成的 制品

  • He could see the glimmer of fresh paint on the woodwork .

    他可以看到 木构 上新刷的油漆泛着光。

  • The rats have chewed away some of the woodwork .

    老鼠啃坏了一些 木器

  • It is important to insulate the furnace from any neighbouring woodwork with brick and asbestos .

    用砖和石棉将火炉与任何相邻的 制品 隔开是很重要的。

  • I love the living room with its dark woodwork oriental rugs and chunky furniture

    我喜欢起居室那深色的 木构 、东方地毯和厚重的家具。