white fibers

[医] 白纤维,胶原纤维

  • A white crystalline acid COOH ( CH2 ) 8COOH used in the manufacture of certain synthetic resins and fibers various plasticizers and polyester rubbers .

    任一种 白色的晶体酸,化学式为COOH(CH2)8COOH,用于生产某些合成胶、 纤维多种增塑剂和聚脂橡胶。

  • The density of the white matter fibers increased with increased age .

    婴幼儿、学龄期儿童和青春发育期儿童 纤维 的密度随着年龄的增加而增加。

  • Correlation between diffusion anisotropy of the white matter fibers and cognitive function in patients with leukoaraiosis

    脑白质疏松症 质扩散各向 异性与认知功能关系的研究

  • The Trabecular Heterogeneity of Femoral Head in Male Osteoporotic Fracture Correlation between diffusion anisotropy of the white matter fibers and cognitive function in patients with leukoaraiosis

    男性骨质疏松骨折患者股骨头松质骨微结构区域差异研究脑白质疏松症 质扩散各向 异性与认知功能关系的研究

  • By age 20 the average brain is packed with about 109 miles of white matter tissue fibers according to a 2003 Danish study reported in the Journal of Comparative Neurology .

    到了20岁的时候,平均而言,大脑中会布满长达109000英里(约合175418千米)的 质组织 纤维

  • A white fatty substance that forms a medullary sheath around the axis cylinder of some nerve fibers .

    一种 白色油脂物质,形成一些神经 纤维轴突外包裹的一层髓鞘。

  • As the degree of white water closure improvement the fibers and fines in white water will have a certain impact on the operation of paper machine and paper properties .

    随着 水封闭循环程度的不断提高,白水中 纤维和细小纤维的回用必然会对纸机运行和纸页性质产生一定的影响。

  • Experimental Morphological Research on Muscular Bridge of Red or White Muscle Fibers Suturing Defective Nerves in Dogs

    红、 纤维为肌桥缝接狗神经缺损的实验形态学研究

  • Primary study of the white matter fibers in human brain by using diffusion tensor imaging

    应用DTI技术对人脑 纤维 的初步研究

  • Muscular bridges of red or white muscle fibers were used to suture respectively dogs ' femoral nerve and median nerve 3 cm defects .

    分别用红、 纤维为肌桥,桥接狗股神经和正中神经缺损3cm。

  • The hue of luminous fiber was decided by the rare-earth strontium aluminate the hue of white red yellow and blue luminous fibers was yellow-green yellow yellow-green and green respectively .

    各色夜光纤维的色相由稀土铝酸锶所发色光的色相决定,不同色料的加入起到牵引作用, 、红、黄、蓝色夜光 纤维的色相分别为黄绿色、黄色、黄绿色和绿色。

  • Their main distributions were transverse fibers of the basis pontine the white matter of the cerebellum striatopallidal fibers and lateral column of the spinal cord .

    主要分布于脑桥、小脑、苍白球壳核、延髓 纤维束,脊髓外侧束,且与髓鞘变性脱失的分布一致。

  • The results showed that the muscle fibers were divided into three types : red muscle fibers white fibers and the middle fibers .

    结果表明,腿肌肌纤维类型有3种,即红肌纤维, 纤维和中间型肌纤维,而胸肌肌纤维类型有2种,即 肌纤维和中间型肌纤维。

  • Objective : To study the diffusion anisotropic features of white matter fibers of acute cerebral ischemic stroke patients by MR diffusion tensor imaging ( DTI ) . To evaluate the relationship between the impairment degree of cortical spinal tract ( CST ) and muscular strength .

    目的:利用DTI探讨急性缺血性脑卒中病人大脑 纤维 各向异性特征和皮质脊髓束受损与肌力的关系。

  • Diffusion tensor tracking of cerebral white matter fibers : a preliminary study

    脑积水的弥散加权成像及弥散张量成像研究大脑 纤维磁共振弥散张量 纤维 成像初步研究

  • The lesions located in white matter of cerebral hemisphere diffusely in 5 cases ( mainly involved in subcortical arcuate fibers ) bilateral cerebellar dentate nuclei in 4 cases thalamus and globus pallidus in 3 cases respectively .

    5例均广泛累及两侧大脑半球 质(累及皮层下弓形 纤维为主)。累及两侧齿状核4例,丘脑、苍白球受累各3例。

  • Influence of Sphingomyelin Synthase Knockdown on Cell Apoptosis a white fatty substance that forms a medullary sheath around the axis cylinder of some nerve fibers .

    神经鞘磷脂合成酶基因沉默对细胞凋亡的影响一种 白色油脂物质,形成一些神经 纤维轴突外包裹的一层髓鞘。

  • Gastrocnemius is type II that is shrinking fast white muscle fibers in the aspects of aerobic capacity contraction speed and fatigue resistance is poor Belonging to high-intensity short-term movement of the muscle type .

    腓肠肌是Ⅱ型,即 快缩肌 纤维,在有氧能力、收缩速度、以及疲劳阻力方面较差,属于高强度、短时间运动的肌肉类型。

  • OBJECTIVE ① To study the diffusion anisotropic features of white matter fibers of normal adult brain by using MR diffusion tensor imaging ( DTI ) .

    目的①利用磁共振弥散张量成像(DTI)研究正常成人大脑 纤维 各向异性特征;

  • The white light and infrared ray absorbing i.e. photothermal conversion properties of Zirconium carbide ( ZrC ) aluminum oxide ( Al 2O 3 ) powder and PP fibers with different ZrC content were measured by IR and dot thermometer and DSC .

    采用红外测温仪和点温计等手段测试了碳化锆和三氧化二铝的红外线吸收性能,以及含有不同重量的聚丙烯 纤维 光热转换性能和热性能。

  • Conclusion : the anisotropy of normal adult cerebral white matter fibers can be effectively showed using diffusion-tensor MR imaging and can assist useful information in recognizing the normal anatomy of the cerebral white matter fibers .

    结论:弥散张量磁共振成像方法有效地显示大脑 纤维的各向异性特征,为正确认识大脑白质纤维的正常解剖提供更多有价值的信息。

  • Purpose : To study the anisotropy of normal adult cerebral white matter fibers by using diffusion-tensor MR imaging .

    目的:利用弥散张量磁共振成像研究正常成人大脑 纤维的各向异性特征。

  • Demyelination of white matter fibers caused by arteriopathy is one of the major causes of leukoaraiosis .

    小动脉病变导致的 纤维脱髓鞘是发生白质疏松的主要原因之一。