

n.毛织品,毛料织物毛织品,羊毛织物,毛料衣服( woolen的名词复数 )

  • Textile technological properties and woolens development of mohair in Sichuan

    四川马海毛纺织工艺性能及 制品的研制

  • Responses of the single thread hair sensillum of the cercus of the cockroach Periplaneta americana to mechanical stimuli they are rather keen on your new-type woolens .

    蜚蠊尾须单个细毛型感受器对机械刺激的反应他们对你的新型 织品 颇感 兴趣

  • We stocked the shop up with woolens before winter .

    我们在入冬以前为商店备足 织品

  • Just now what you 've seen were woolens and slik . There are synthetic fabrics .

    刚才你们看的都是 羊毛的丝织的,这里是化纤的。

  • John was bred a dyer I believe of woolens .

    约翰学了染匠,我相信是染 呢绒的。

  • Any of several small yellowish or buff-colored moths whose larvae eat organic matter e.g. woolens .

    几种黄色或浅黄色的小蛾子,其幼虫吃有机物比如 羊毛

  • They are rather keen on your new-type woolens .

    他们对你的新型 织品 颇感 兴趣

  • Woolens should always be handwashed in warm ; not hot water .


  • Woolens should be washed separately .

    毛料 衣物应单独来洗。

  • Eastern senators in turn obtained increased duties on woolens silks and other manufactured products .

    东部参议员则得以增加 织品,丝绸和其它制成品的关税。

  • Wax calk is advisable for woolens for all other fabrics use stone chalk or chalk marking pencils .

    蜡制画粉适用于 羊毛织物,其他面料可用石制画粉或画 粉笔

  • Light woolens have come forward to enjoy marked fashion prestige The country 's leaders have shut the door on any further peace talks .

    轻软 已进而享有引人注目之时装的声望。这个国家的领导人声称进一步和谈没有希望。

  • This is a good fabric softener for woolens .

    这是一种很好的 羊毛织物柔软剂。