





  • You can imagine what it would be like driving a car into a brick wall at 30 miles an hour

    你可以想象汽车以每小时30英里的速度撞向一堵砖墙结果会 怎样

  • Guess what ? I 'm going to dinner at Mrs. Combley 's tonight

    你猜 怎么着?今晚我要去康伯利夫人家里赴宴。

  • What I wanted more than anything was a few days ' rest


  • It 's what eleven years or more since he 's seen him

    打从他上次见他,已有, ,11年甚至更久了。

  • What do you want ?

    你想要 什么

  • What about going out with me tomorrow ?

    明天和我一起出去 怎么样

  • She had been in what doctors described as an irreversible vegetative state for five years

    她处于医生 说的不可逆性植物人状态已经5年了。

  • We had never seen anything like it before and could not see what to do next

    我们以前从没见过这样的事情,不知道接下来要做 什么

  • ' I 'm going to have problems sleeping tonight . ' — ' You what ? '

    “今晚我可能睡不着。”——“不会 ?”

  • ' Dad ? ' — ' What ? ' — ' Can I have the car tonight ? '

    “爸爸?”——“ 什么 ?”——“我今晚能用车吗?”

  • What are the greatest sources of conflict in the Middle East ?

    中东冲突的最重要原因是 什么

  • What a horrible thing to do


  • What if this doesn 't work out ?

    如果这个不行 怎么办?

  • Look at that moon . Is that beautiful or what ?

    看看那月亮,它真漂亮, 不是吗?

  • So many things are unsafe these days — milk cranberry sauce what have you


  • You have to know what 's what and when to draw the line

    你必须 搞清状况以及 自己的底线。

  • Hey ! What are you doing ?

    嘿!你在干 什么

  • He drinks what is left in his glass as if it were water

    他把杯子里剩下的 东西当水一样全喝了下去。

  • Now you 've talked about work on daffodils what about other commercially important flowers like roses ?

    既然你们已谈到了种植水仙花, 那么其他具有重要商业价值的花卉呢,比如玫瑰?

  • ' This thing with the Corbett woman . ' — 'Oh yeah . What about her ? '

    “是跟那个科比特家的女人有关的事。”——“哦,是吗,她 怎么了?”

  • I want to know what happened to Norman

    我想知道诺曼 怎么了。

  • Do you know what those idiots have done ?

    你知道那些傻瓜做了 什么吗?

  • What precisely triggered off yesterday 's riot is still unclear

    究竟 什么引发了昨天的骚乱还不清楚。

  • Maybe they are tired what with all the sleep they 're losing staying up night after night

    也许他们是太累了,考虑到他们成 宿成宿地熬夜。

  • ' I skipped off school today ' — ' So what ? What 's so special about that ? '

    “我今天逃学了。”——“那 怎样?有什么特别的吗?”

  • Tell you what let 's stay here another day .


  • What she does possess is the ability to get straight to the core of a problem .

    她确实有 直入问题本质的能力。

  • ' They could paint this place ' she said . ' What ? ' he asked .

    “他们可以粉刷这个地方,”她说。“ 什么?”他问。

  • Meanwhile most young people in the West are expected to leave what could be life 's most momentous decision — marriage — almost entirely up to luck .

    同时,人们认为西方的大多数年轻人把婚姻 一可能是人生最重要的决定几乎完全交由命运来安排。

  • ' Has something happened ? ' — ' Indeed it has . ' — ' What ? '

    “有什么事发生吗?”——“当然有。”——“ 什么 ?”