white clay

[hwaɪt kle][hwait klei]


  • Scenic river designations for the Delaware White Clay and other rivers will ensure that these rivers remain undammed forever .

    这些自然野生风景区的称号将确保特拉华河、 怀特 克莱河等河流永远不会被筑坝的破坏。

  • The solid-liquid ratio was 1:2 . The decolouring forc e of the activated white clay was 156 ~ 218 and its activity degree was above 222 m.

    制得的活性 白土的脱色力达156~218,活性度大于222m。

  • After eating a large amount of white clay to ease his hunger he began to have abdominal distension .

    由于大量食用 观音土充饥,他开始腹涨。

  • From the results it could be found that the kaolinite as a mineral substance was mainly contained in the Fengfeng high alumina clay and white clay but the CaO and K_2O contents of white clay result from retention of small amount of calcite and muscovite .

    从所得结果发现峰峰坩石和 坩土中所含主要矿物组成为高岭石类 矿物,而 坩土中所含CaO和K2O是若干量的碳酸钙和白云母等矿物的残留所形成。

  • To research the regeneration process for waste marine lube oils it was regenerated that according to the quality of waste oil only using white clay .

    对船用废润滑油进行了再生工艺研究,仅用 白土处理,即可使劣化程度不同的废油得到再生,再生效果较好。

  • The decolorizing efficiency of regenerative waste clay is higher than that of fresh active clay and the qualities of white carbon black and 4A zeolite made from dewaxing or deoiling waste clay conform to those of the standards .

    用脱蜡脱油废 白土为原料制取的 白炭黑和4A沸石的质量均达到国家标准。

  • Corrosion and protection of the filtration board for white clay refining unit


  • Mol / 100g . The main quality parameters of the white clay reach or outstrip the required trade standards . The decolourization effect was very good .


  • Using white clay calcined kaolin and industrial alumina as the major raw material the laser cavity of alumina ceramics was prepared successfully .

    采用纯度较高的 粘土、锻烧高岭土及工业氧化铝为主要原料成功地研制了氧化铝陶瓷激光泵浦腔体。

  • They even asked for permission to dig white clay from the place where I liked to find it .

    他们甚至请求允许他们从我喜欢找着挖土的地方挖 粘土

  • The experiment result showed that adsorption quantities were increasing with sulfide solution concentration in same temperature . The four kinds of nonmetallic minerals adsorption ability was : diatomite > white clay > perlite > zeolite .

    实验结果表明:同一温度下,随着硫化物溶液浓度的增大四种矿物吸附量上升趋势增大,四种非金属材料对硫化物的吸附能力为:硅藻土> 白土>珍珠岩>沸石。

  • Study on comprehensive problem-tacking for white clay of Loushan river estuary sea area in the Jiaozhou Bay

    胶州湾楼山河口海域 综合治理的研究

  • The Application of Mineral Fiber as Filler in Coated White Board Top Line Zhou Rui Chen Gang Loadings : Substances such as china clay or other mineral fillers added to the furnish of paper .

    改性纳米包覆矿物纤维在涂布 白板纸面浆加填中的应用填料:加于造纸浆料内的 黏土或其他矿物的填充料。

  • Fine white clay used in making tobacco pipes and pottery and in whitening leather .

    细而 粘土,用于制烟管、陶器及将皮革变白。

  • There are famous white clay and black clay existing in the Permian Triassic ( P / T ) event boundary at the Meishan section that is located in Changxing County Zhejiang Province of South China .

    中国煤山剖面二叠系/三叠系(P/T)事件界线地层以赋存 粘土和黑粘土著称。

  • Between the white limestone and the greyish pink limestone is a thin bed of clay .

    白色石灰石和粉灰色石灰石之间是一层薄薄的 黏土

  • Prospects for Comprehensive Development of White Clay


  • Improvement on Bleaching and Separating Process of Activated White Clay Production

    活性 白土生产中漂洗分离工艺的改进

  • The manufacture of poly aluminum chloride and white carbon with knar clay

    利用 紫木节制备聚合氯化铝和 白炭

  • A hard white translucent ceramic made by firing a pure clay and then glazing it with variously colored fusible materials ; china .

    瓷,一种坚硬的 白色透明的陶瓷,其制法是将纯 陶土放在火中烧制,然后用各种颜色的易熔材料给其上釉;

  • Study on the Technics of Preparing High-Efficient Active White Clay by the Method of Half-dry

    半干法制备高效活性 白土新工艺的研究

  • By acidifying the kaoline aluminum salts and silica white can be obtained simultaneously . This is of practical significance for the comprehensive exploitation of clay mine in Fujian province .

    通过酸解,在获得铝盐的同时,得到 白炭黑,对于 高岭土的综合开发具有现实意义。

  • Purification of Waste Turbine Oil by Activated White Clay

    活性 白土净化废汽轮机油

  • The set of equipment is based on the principles in vacuum oil purifier and the process on flocculation - white clay refining .

    通过研究设计的这台设备是结合真空净油机部分原理,以絮凝- 白土精制复合工艺为基础的污染润滑油再生设备。

  • For the produced high effective activated white clay the effective factors were discussed with the emphasis on .

    重点讨论了生产高效活性 白土的影响因素,特别是如降低游离酸的一些措施。

  • Three hours later on Christmas morning we were so excited for Almie Rose to open the little heart-shaped package with the beautiful red and white clay bike and the note .

    模型做完后3个小时,已经是圣诞节的清晨。我们激动地等待阿尔米·罗斯打开装有红白 相间的漂亮 胶泥自行车和纸条的小心形包装盒。