word by mouth

[wɚd baɪ maʊθ][wə:d bai mauθ]

[法] 口述,口头表达

  • Long before the emergence of the written word ballads accompanied by music and dance and myths passed around by word of mouth were widely popular .

    与舞蹈和音乐 相伴的歌谣跟 口头流传的神话,远在文字出现之前就已大量产生。

  • We may call God 's word transmitted by word of mouth fluid revelations and the record made by Moses solid revelations .

    口授方式传达上帝的 ,我们可谓之流体启示,而对那由摩西写的记录,叫做固体启示。

  • By the word of the LORD were the heavens made ; and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth .

    诸天藉 耶和华的命而造,万象 中的气 成。

  • By the word of the Lord were the heavens made their starry host by the breath of his mouth .

    上帝耶和华如此说:『我造地,又造人 地上,我亲手铺张诸天,天上万象也是我 命定的。』