white oil

[hwaɪt ɔɪl][hwait ɔil]


  • Research was done on an inhibitive water base mud with good sealing capacity to replace the expensive white oil base mud used in the Bei 80 area in which the reservoir is strongly water sensitive .

    针对北80井区强水敏储层及使用 白油基钻井液成本高的问题,开展了具有强抑制性及良好封堵能力的水基钻井液体系研究。

  • This product is used by the dewaxing distillate oil lubricants SO3 sulfonation or hydrogenation and the preparation of white oil industry .

    本产品用石油润滑油馏分经脱蜡、SO3磺化或加氢而制取的工业 白油

  • Teaching experimental apparatus of measuring sound transmission loss in white oil

    测量 白油中声透射损失的教学实验装置

  • Development and research of loop reactor for production of white oil


  • Experimental results indicated that the presence of copper could strengthen the catalytic ability of quinoline on white oil oxidation .

    研究表明,金属铜强化了喹啉对 白油的氧化催化作用;

  • Preparation of high viscosity white oil with hydrogenated base oil

    加氢基础油生产高粘度 白油技术

  • The titled ultra-concentrated AA / AM / AMPS tercopolymer inverse emulsion ( IE ) with white oil as dispersing medium can be used directly in water base drilling fluids as filtrate loss reducer .

    所合成的AA/AM/AMPS三元共聚合超浓反相乳液以 白油为外相,可直接用作水基钻井液的降滤失剂。

  • Oil-water two-phase pipe flow experiment has been conducted on horizontal multiphase flow experiment loop made of stainless steel pipe with 26 . 1 inner-diameter and 30 m long by using white oil and tap water as experimental medium .

    利用 白油和自来水作为实验介质,在内径为26.1mm、长约30m的水平不锈钢多相流实验环道上进行了油水两相流实验。

  • Preparation of Stable Dispersion of Nano-Nickel in White Oil by One-Step Method with a Microemulsion Reactor

    微乳液一步法制备纳米镍 白油稳定分散体

  • Offer the Blood of the Ten Sinners and the White Oil .

    将十个罪人的鲜血和 白油献上。

  • Taking lube oil fractions from Liaohe Daqing Xinjiang and Middle-East crudes as feedstocks with lube hydrogenation processing catalytic dewaxing IDW and deep hydrofining techniques the base oils and white oil can be produced . The test results and technical characteristics are presented .

    介绍了以辽河、大庆、新疆及中东原油润滑油馏分为原料,采用润滑油加氢处理、催化脱蜡、异构脱蜡以及深度加氢精制工艺制取润滑油基础油和 白油的工艺试验结果及技术特点。

  • The Experiment adopted acid-dreg produced by the white oil factory and lubricating oil factory that set surrounding Maoming city extensively as the research object to study .

    本实验研究采用茂名市周边地区广泛分布的 白油厂和润滑油厂制取白油和润滑 产生的酸渣作为研究对象。

  • The separating and flow behaviors of gravity oil-water separator were studied with an oil-water separation simulating system taking white oil and water as work fluid . The separating efficiencies of six sampling outlets oil outlet and water outlet were also analyzed .

    利用重力式分离模拟试验系统,以 白油和水作为工作介质,分析了6个取样口和油出口、水出口的油水分离效果,进而研究了卧式油水分离器的分离特性和流动规律。

  • Study on the Production of High Quality Food Grade White Oil from Hydrocracking Bottom Oil by Mid-Pressure Hydrofining ; Determination of SARA composition for hydrogenated residues using attenuated total reflectance infrared spectroscopy

    加氢裂化尾油中压加氢生产高档 白油的研究多重衰减全反射红外光谱测定加氢渣油四组分方法的建立

  • Lubricating Oil and White Oil Preparation from the Unconverted Oil of Hydrocracking

    加氢裂化尾油制备中高档润滑油、 白油

  • The influence of the internal circulating reactor on yield and quality of white oil is compared with that of circulating reactor gate agitatingreactor and bubbling tower reactor .

    比较了环流反应器、槽式搅拌反应器、鼓泡塔式反应器对 白油收率和质量的影响。

  • This article introduces production of high viscosity white oil . It adopts two stage hydrogenation technology uses high viscosity basic oil materials .

    以高粘度基础油为原料,采用两段加氢工艺,生产合格的高粘度食品级 白油

  • Using tail oil of hydrocracking to produce premium lube base oil and white oil

    采用加氢裂化尾油研制生产高质量润滑油基础油及 白色

  • Development of aluminium cold rolling oil with light white oil

    应用轻质 白油研制铝冷轧制油

  • The Current State of White Oil Industry at Home and Developing Foreground of Its Product

    我国 白油工业现状及产品开发前景

  • With the complex effects between quinoline and copper naphthenate the accelerating oxidation of quinoline to white oil can be inhibited .

    环烷酸铜由于与喹啉之间存在络合效应,抑制了喹啉对 白油的氧化催化作用。

  • Eats the grade white oil ;

    食品级 白油

  • The tribological performances of as lubricating oil additive in VG 26 white oil were evaluated with a four-ball friction and wear tester and their tribological mechanisms were investigated .

    用四球摩擦磨损试验机考察了其在26 白油中的摩擦学性能,并对其摩擦化学作用机制进行了研究。

  • The current state of white oil industry at home the state of production technology at home and abroad the product application and market prospect were briefly introduced in this paper .

    本文概述了我国 白油工业现状、国内外生产技术状况、产品用途及市场前景。

  • Production of D40 solvent naphtha and 3 ~ # white oil

    分子筛预加氢及后加氢生产D40溶剂油和3~ 白油

  • Taking the unconverted oil from hydrocracking to produce premium lubricating base oil and white oil by catalytic dewaxing in Refinery No.3 is substituted for the old process of lube oil .

    石油三厂采用加氢裂化未转化油经催化脱蜡工艺生产高质量润滑油基础油及 白色 ,替代了过去老三套润滑油生产工艺。

  • To ensure the quality of the white oil the interior wall of the storage tank must be treated .

    为保证罐内储存的食品级 白油不发生变质或与杂质发生反应,确保 食品白油的质量,储罐内壁的处理是关键。

  • By analysing the distillates'and chemical components of hydrogenated residual oil ( HRO ) it is sure that the products such as jet fuel light diesel oil light lube oil wax and white oil can be produced from HRO .

    对加氢尾油的馏分组成及化学组成的分析确认,从加氢尾油中可生产出航煤、轻柴油、轻质润滑油、蜡和 白油等产品。

  • Neuter skin : neutral skin belongs to a hundred of natural beauty do not appear white oil the red aesthetic feeling fine skin pores .

    中性肌肤:中性皮肤属于百年一见的天生丽质,不干不 ,呈现 里透红的美感,肤质细腻,毛孔较小。

  • The influence of the structure and size of loop reactors on white oil yield is studied in detail laying the foundation of the magnifying of the loop reactor .

    较详细地研究了环流反应器的结构及尺寸对 白油收率的影响,为反应器的放大提供了依据。