word count

[wɚd kaʊnt][wə:d kaunt]


  • Total Views : 4 Word Count Appx .

    总的看法:4 出租。

  • Next absolute ( pages and word count ) and percentage values ( proportional to the total word count / number of pages ) of all ( sub - ) chapters have been calculated .

    接着计算出三个期刊中所有章节以及分章节的页数和 字数的绝对值以及比例值(总字数/页数)。

  • All word carry on frequency of the word count legal corpus base secondly divide according to five frequentness law grade .

    其次是将法律语料库中所有的词进行 词频 统计,并根据五级频度划分法进行分级。

  • Running the worker and the client gets the same word count back .

    运行工人和客户机将得到相同的 单词 计数

  • Each search result entry contains the page title size word count namespace ( more on this later ) and a snippet of page content .

    每个搜索结果条目包含页面标题、大小、 字数、名称空间(稍后详细介绍)、以及页面内容的片段。

  • One interesting application that fits squarely in the MapReduce word count model is tabulating the frequency of Web server access ( discussed in the seminal Google paper ) .

    一个一直适合MapReduce 字数 统计模型的有趣的应用程序正在把Web服务器访问的频率制表(在开创性Google文章中讨论)。

  • Well first you might want to use the wc ( Word Count ) command to see how big the file is .

    首先,您可能需要使用wc( Word Count)命令查看文件的大小。

  • This all seems like a lot of work to get a simple word count .

    这似乎就是得到一个简单的 单词 计数

  • Otherwise you create a new entry in the hash for the word and then load the count ( which should be1 from the mapper process ) .

    否则,您需要在该 单词的hash中创建新的条目,然后加载 计数(应该是来自mapper过程的1)。

  • A word in a record header that contains a count of the words in the record .

    记录首部中的一个 ,它包含该记录的字 计数

  • Behind God 's Word is God himself and we can always count on him .

    神的 话语是出于神自己,我们当然可以 放心 靠祂了。

  • The result value is returned as a reference so you have to de-reference it to get the word count you requested .

    结果值被返回为一个引用,所以您必须对它解除引用,以得到您所请求的 单词 计数

  • Next the respective percentage values ( according to the word count as calculated before ) were summed up in order to determine the superior topics ' distribution throughout the whole evaluation period .

    接着, 算出相应的比例值(根据之前计算的 字数)从而确定每个主题在1976至2005各本期刊中的分布。

  • Proposal on word count of reportorial abstract Q & A on Sex

    关于报道性摘要 字数的建议

  • For each word that is longer than two characters it stores the count in the frequency map .

    对于每个长于两字符的 单词,将 统计 存储在频率映射中。

  • The hash is then checked for the word ; if found the count is added to the element .

    而后该hash会检查该 单词;如果发现,则将 计数添加到元素。

  • As long as the operative word is ' greed ' you can 't count on people keeping the costs down

    只要“贪婪”仍是一切的出发 ,就别 指望人们会降低成本。

  • Finally a primary conclusion has been drawn as following : ( 1 ) There is no obvious difference between the excellent athletic sports coaches and the generic ones on the length of interview ( word count ) .

    我国专业体育教练员绩效优秀者和一般者在访谈长度( 字数)上无明显差异;

  • It shows some potential for using the function but by removing the distinct keyword it returns the total word count of a string .

    不过它通过删除不同的关键字来显示使用此函数的某些可能性并且返回字符串的总 字数

  • For a simple worker let 's provide a basic word count .

    对于一个简单的工人,我们提供一个基本的 单词 计数功能。

  • The word count example is useful and applicable to a large number of problems but other models still fit within this general framework .

    虽然 字数 统计示例对于大量的问题是有用且适用的,但是其他的模型仍然在此总体框架内适用。

  • Wc is an acronym for word count ; wc can count characters words and lines .

    wc为 word count的首字母缩写,wc可统计字符、单词和行数。

  • This paper discusses a new precise short time interval measuring method that is based on the quantized time delay . It decreases the + - 1 word count error efficiently .

    本文提出的一种基于量化时延原理的短时间间隔的精确测量方法的新思想,十分有效地减小了±1 的误差影响。

  • The Map function emits each word plus an associated count of occurrences .

    Map函数发出每个 单词附有一个相关的出现次数 计数

  • It includes no excess making every word count and choosing the clearest exposition of its ideas and reasons .

    它的结论没有多馀,使每一个 都有 意义,并选择对其观点和理由之最清晰的阐述。

  • The word count is also stored in the same text file .

    单词 计数也存储在同一个文本文件中。

  • I can get the character count ( from the string length ) and the word count ( by splitting the string by spaces and counting the results ) .

    我获得了字符计数(计算字符串长度)和 单词 (使用空格将字符串断开并计算结果)。

  • The instrument based on the new technique shows more than 1000 times accuracy over that of ordinary instruments because it is effective enough to overcome ± 1 word count error of digital measuring instruments . The instrument is simple in structure low in cost and facile in implementation .

    该技术有效克服了±1 数的 计数误差,使得仪器的测量精度比普通仪器提高了1000倍以上,且设备构成简单、成本低,易于实现。

  • Why do you go back on your word ? doesn 't what you promised still count ?

    你怎么 说话不算数, 出尔反尔