word family

[wɚd ˈfæməli][wə:d ˈfæmili]


  • But usually the word family includes children relatives and cousins people who are interwoven into some kind of social unit .

    但通常这个 家庭,包括,子女,亲属和表兄弟,那些交织成社会单位的人。

  • In a word Family School and Society should be unite together to conduct the targeted values education .


  • Seeing the Word Which Belongs Another Family From lyric Subject Shift

    从抒情主体的转移看 别是一

  • The Formation and Development of the Similar Word Family of the Word Teach and Its Implied Cultural Meaning


  • The most popular various word width chip family 's versions their structure features special characteristics and system applications are introduced in detail .

    详细介绍了目前国内外最流行的不同 字长 系列机种、结构特点、专有特性及系统应用等;

  • The appearance of the new word family which use the quasi-affixes as marker is eye-catching phenomenon in linguistic study . To observe and analyze the new words is very important not only in terms of the development of the lexical study but also in standard usage regulation .

    以新类词缀为标记的大量 新词 的出现已经是 醒目的现象,对新词语的观察和研究,对新时期词语的发展和规范运用具有重要指导意义。

  • Study of the Word Family X-ray in Chinese

    词源研究与 术语 规范&X射线 词源研究

  • Christmas should be a festive and rather joyful occasion but for me Christmas is just a joyful occasion & festivities do not seem to exist as a word in our family .

    圣诞节本应该是一个充满节日气氛和非常开心的一天。不过对于我来说,圣诞节只有开心没有节日气氛,因为中国 毕竟不太习惯庆祝 圣诞节

  • Chinese construction composed of homographs indicates that the units of the same form and different functions have no identity even though their meanings have connections . They are different members in the same word family .

    汉语的同形组合结构说明形式相同、意义有联系但功能不同的几个单位不具有同一性,不宜看作一个 ,它们是同一个 的不同成员。

  • As a representative work in etymology Wen Shi of Mr. Taiyan Zhang studies etymology following sound outlines the feature of word family in Chinese and has many findings in the cognate phenomenon of words and expressions .

    章太炎先生著述《文始》,以声音为线索来推求语源,并勾勒汉语 的面貌,对词语的同源现象多有发现。

  • In the word family the accent falls on the first syllable .

    family这个 中,重音落在第一个音节上。

  • A Fast Algorithm for Chinese Words Automatic Segment Based on Two letters word family Structure

    基于两 字词 的汉语快速自动分词算法

  • A comparison of English with Chinese Mama word family

    英汉妈妈 语族比较

  • The first chapter gives a presentation of Shen Jianshi 's word family theory .

    第一章介绍沈兼士先生 理论的主要内容。

  • Guan junjie : the first word is my family name guan and Junjie is my given name .

    关俊杰:第一个 是我的 关,俊杰是我的名字。

  • To these ones yet to come it is imperative that you walk away and you have my word that you and family will be protected from the thugs so you have not that fear now .

    那些要来的人:快点离开,你和你的 家庭会得到我的保护,不需要有 后顾之忧

  • A comparison of English with Chinese Mama word family Hughes seeks for vitality from Celtic culture ;

    英汉妈妈 语族比较休斯从凯尔特文化中寻找活力;

  • All the tests done in this study adopt word family as the basic counting unit .

    本文中全部测试都以 为基本测量单位。

  • FIGHT he decides . What was the word in your family when you were growing up ?

    他判断,在你成长期间,你 是什么?

  • Study on word family of Chinese has a long history and the theory has been gradually perfected .

    汉字 的研究由来已久,其理论也在逐步完善。

  • The key concept underlying the term of word family is ' learning burden ' which refers to the amount of effort required to learn a word .


  • The different members of the word family have the same form so word family is called the word family made up homographs .


  • Don 't work too hard * and you know what 's the full word of family ?

    不要工作得太辛苦,你知道 全称吗?

  • Your word to be law in family matters .

    你的 中非常管用。

  • Aren 't you impressed with the power of this word family ? If you can conquer this word family there is no doubt that your English will be impressive !

    这个 单词 家族的威力有没有给你留下深刻的印象?你一旦征服了这个单词家族,你的英语一定会毫无疑问地给人留下深刻的印象!

  • Word Family Made Up of Homographs and the Classification of Chinese Words

    同形 和汉语词类划分

  • On the other hand the thesis also broke the traditional semantic category classification based only on rational sense . The additional significance is also included in the analysis which is vital for comprehensive multi-angle analysis of word family .

    另一方面,本文也突破了传统语义范畴仅基于理性意义的分类,把附属意义也归入语义范畴的分析范围,这样对全面多角度的分析 具有很重要的意义。

  • The Word Root Family Theory and the Second Language Acquisition Theory is the theoretical foundation of this method . Lastly the Character-focus teaching is applied to TCFL through experimental comparison .

    语根 理论和第二语言习得理论是集中识字法的理论构架。本文最后将集中识字法应用于汉字教学,进行试验对比分析。