



  • They wooed customers by offering low interest rates

    他们 提供低息 招揽客户。

  • I will never woo that selfish girl ! You know what I mean ?

    我不会 那么自私的女孩,你懂我的意思了吗?

  • Such wrong as when a married man doth woo .

    这就像结了婚的男人还在 求爱

  • He must woo and flatter the official because without his goodwill he will be deprived of information .

    他必须 讨好和奉承这个官员,因为没有官员的善意,他就搞不到情况。

  • Gee Woo : I guess I misheard ?


  • Maria : Who 's Patricia Woo ? How much experience has she had in television ?

    玛丽亚:帕特里夏• 是谁?她在电视台有多少工作经验?

  • To woo new clients you need to meet them first .


  • In this film she took on the icy role of Ling Woo which impressed the audience deeply .

    在这部影片中,她 生动 塑造了一 美人 & 吴玲,这一 形象深深地打动了观众。

  • They only roll in John Woo movies not real life .

    他们只是在 吴森宇的电影里翻滚,而不是在实战中。

  • They woo us with sweet nothings and leave us unsatisfied guilt-ridden and10 pounds heavier .

    他们用甜言蜜语 讨好我们,留给我们的是不满,内疚和重了10磅。

  • I think you should woo me first .

    我认为你应该先 我。

  • Straightaway I began to woo her .

    我立刻开始向她 求爱

  • Q.What 's the main difference between John Woo and Tsui Hark about their relations with actors ?

    那你觉得 吴宇森和徐克与演员之间的关系最不同之处是什么?

  • My husband also goes to Dr Woo for sinus problems which were chronic and now negligible .

    我的丈夫也去了 博士 ,是因为 有慢性鼻炎的 缘故不过现在几乎没事了。

  • Men grow too old to woo my love .

    人老了, 如何 求欢,我的爱。

  • They are trying to woo back electoral support .

    他们正试图 回选民的支持。

  • I hired Patricia Woo to take her place yesterday .

    我昨天雇了帕特里夏。 来接替她的工作。

  • This time always ineloquent of John Woo but very embarrassed .

    这下,素来不善言辞的 吴宇森可是相当不好意思。

  • The young man came to woo .

    那年轻人是来 求婚的。

  • I 'm not going to woo her on ice .

    我可不会在冰上 求爱

  • Working with John Woo is more easy .


  • They told me Jeong woo was injured and sent back to korea .

    他们告诉我 郑宇受伤并且送回了韩国。

  • Dr Woo fixed my shoulder after only three visits and I am back in the gym doing weights .


  • The penniless author successfully wooed and married Fanny .

    这位一文不名的作家 范妮 求爱 成功,和 结了婚。

  • Woo I am wondering what kinds of missiles are used in this test .


  • That I should woo in scorn ?

    我的 求爱 一种嘲笑呢?

  • I will never try to woo someone with fine car or gift .

    我绝不会用 香车和礼物 求婚

  • In his Hong Kong films director John Woo proved that he was a master of action films .

    吴宇森过往 执导的香港电影中, 早已证明了他是动作电影的 高手

  • Funds have also invested more in reporting systems to help woo investors .

    基金还加大了对报道系统的投入,以帮助 说服投资者。