wood charcoal

[wʊd ˈtʃɑrˌkol][wud ˈtʃɑ:kəul]


  • Therefore people who use wood as their primary fuel can without experiencing economic hardship switch to charcoal and can thereby improve their health and preserve the environment .

    因此,将 木材作为主要燃料使用的人们可以在并不体验到经济困难的情况下转而使用 木炭,并因此可提高健康水平和保护环境。

  • No candle flickered at their table but a bucket of fiery wood charcoal hissed in the tabletop grill pit .

    餐桌上没有闪烁的烛光,有的只是一桶在烧烤架上嘶嘶作响的燃烧着的 木炭

  • Nanophase carbon tube onion-like graphitic particles and diamond structure are first found in wood charcoal of Chinese Fir .

    发现了 炭化物中存在着纳米碳管、洋葱状富勒烯结构及金刚石晶格结构。

  • The two-step heating carbonization process was used to prepare highly activated wood charcoal .

    介绍了二步炭化法制备高活性 木炭工艺。

  • In this paper the progress of research and utilization at home and abroad concerning wood charcoal for environment purification and advanced carbon materials from wood charcoal s are summarized .

    文中综述了木质炭化物高效开发利用的国内外研究和开发进展,涉及到 木质 炭化 在环境净化方面的应用和木质系碳素新材料的研发等。

  • Review on High Effective Utilizations of Wood Charcoal

    木质 炭化 高效开发利用研究综述

  • The deoxygenation combustion reaction was researched in a fixed bed reactor and in a cycle reactor with alcohol and wood charcoal as deoxidizer .

    研究了乙醇和 木炭脱氧剂在固定床和循环反应器中的脱氧燃烧反应。

  • Development of new advanced carbon materials from wood charcoal will produce many social economic and ecological benefits . Review on High Effective Utilizations of Wood Charcoal

    由此可 看出木质 炭化 新利用,高功能化的研发可使古老的 木炭衍化为新颖的功能性材料,从而产生更高的经济、社会和生态效益。木质炭化物高效开发利用研究综述

  • STUDY ON MECHANISM OF WOOD CARBONIZATION & Effect of Carbonization Method and Condition on the Property of Chinese Fir Charcoal

    木材炭化机理的研究&炭化方法和炭化条件对杉木间伐材 炭化 性的影响

  • Some of the gases released can smell like burning wood charcoal or methane along with petroleum chlorine or helium .

    有一些排放的气体,闻起来象 木头木炭、沼气以及石油、氯气、氦气燃烧的味道。

  • Locals are back to turning wood scraps into charcoal .

    当地人又开始 烧制 木炭了。

  • The use of wood vinegar a by-product of charcoal production is also considered such as for deodorizing incense germicides cosmetics medical uses food additives agricultural chemicals etc.

    同时对其副 产物 醋液的应用领域,如在食品添加剂、消臭剂、医药、农业等方面的应用也做了一些梗概。

  • Less than three months ago federal agents swooped in to close sawmills confiscate wood and smash charcoal furnaces in a government crackdown on illegal logging .

    不到三个月前,联邦的人在政府打击非法采伐的行动中关闭了这里的锯木厂,没收了 木头并且捣毁了 烧炭用的熔炉。

  • The relationship of the composition and characteristic of bamboo charcoal wood charcoal and activated carbon were analyzed by means of CHN-O-RAPID ICP-AES AAS AFS and other methods .

    首次利用CHN-O-RAPID元素分析仪、电感耦合等离子直读光谱仪、原子吸收分光光度计、原子荧光光谱仪研究了竹炭、 木炭的元素组成与性能的关系。

  • The results of the burning test showed that the burning weight loss of poplar wood treated by P-N intumescent flame retardant is higher than control under 230 ℃ while charcoal yield is higher than control over 230 ℃ .

    灼烧实验表明,低于230℃时,经磷氮系膨胀型阻燃剂处理的杨 的灼烧失重大于对照样品,而在高于230℃以后,阻燃处理 杨木粉的灼烧残余质量大于对照 样品

  • A study on manufacture of special granular activated carbon from wood charcoal

    特制 木质颗粒活性 的研究

  • Once the change of temperature is known the trouble which wood is burnt to charcoal is well solved Wood Plastics Composites which the color are looked normally are successfully extruded .

    得到温度的变化情况后,顺利解决了 烧焦的问题,成功挤出正常颜色的木塑复合材料。

  • The wood was fired into charcoal for baking tea leaves . Leaves will usually have a cooked appearance with dark brown reddish lesions .

    这些 木料被烧成 来焙烤茶叶。叶子常呈火烧状,暗棕色,红色的病痕。

  • Within the forest nobody was allowed to cut timber burn wood for charcoal or trap animals for their furs .

    在森林里,任何人都不允许砍伐树木,或者烧 或者猎杀动物以获取动物毛皮。

  • This device can make a contribution to preventing global warming by fixing carbon through the conversion of unwanted wood and bamboo into charcoal .

    利用废 木材 烧炭的同时起到了固定炭素的效果,为防止地球温暖化做一份贡献。

  • He was burning wood chips to make charcoal

    他在用碎 木头烧制 木炭

  • Wood charcoal contains up to 98 % carbon .


  • Yields of wood vinegar and wood tar were almost constant though yield of charcoal was slightly decreased with the increase of acetic acid aqueous solution concentration .

    处理液的醋酸浓度增加后,木醋液和 焦油的收率几乎不变,但 木炭的收率稍微减少了。

  • Through observing microstructure we can see that bamboo form small-openings like hexagon after wood charcoal .

    从竹炭的微观结构可以看出,竹子的细胞壁在 炭化后形成了类似六角形的孔隙。

  • Built in the1870s in rural Nevada USA to process local wood into charcoal the kilns were soon abandon due to a town fire and flooding but remain in good condition even today .

    这里是美国内华达州的乡间,古窑建造于1870年代,用于把当地 木材 加工木炭,由于一场大火和洪水,这些古窑很快就遭到废弃,但直到今天仍完好保留。