wood wool

[wʊd wʊl][wud wul]


  • China relies on imports mainly to feed its industries rather than its population and is currently the leading export destination for copper ores nickel wood pulp cotton wool and other fibres and fabrics .

    中国的进口主要是为了满足工业需求,而不是居民需求,目前是铜、矿石、镍、 木质纸浆、棉花、 羊毛和其它纤维织物等商品的主要出口目的地。

  • The goods will be packed in wood wool to prevent damage .

    货物将用 刨花包装,以防损坏。

  • For cost-saving but also the use of wood keel mineral wool acoustic ceiling board simple construction .

    为节约开支,也可选用 龙骨 矿棉吸声板吊顶,施工简单。

  • Davyn felt his feet leave the wood of the chair and wrapped his hands around the wool rope .

    达文感到他的脚正慢慢远离椅子,他的手死死攥住 绳圈

  • In order to prevent damages the item will be packed in wood wool .

    为了防止货物损坏,货物将用细 刨花 之类的东西来填充包装箱。

  • Analysis of Hydraulic System of YD-10 Hot - press for Wood - wool Board


  • Arrange foods in a single layer so that as much as possible touches the aromatic wood . floor covering tufted of textile materials other than wool animal hair and man-made fibres ( excl. floor covering underlays )

    把事物平铺在木板上让它尽可能地与 木板接触。簇绒铺地用品, 羊毛、动物细毛和人造纤维除外的纺织材料制(不包括铺地用品底衬)

  • Experiment result indicates that different material has different thermal degradation characteristics willow wood has a clear water loss stage fire retarded PVC cable box is more rapidly than willow wood and acrylic fibre wool in early stage during pyrogenation .

    实验结果表明:不同材料的热解产烟过程都表现出不同的特点,柳桉木材有一个明显的脱水阶段,阻燃PVC电缆槽盒初期热解速率明显快于柳桉 木材和腈纶 毛线

  • A study on wood wool foamed board

    聚氨酯发泡 木丝板的研究

  • The length of wood fiber density of the products dosage of rock wool are the main factors influencing the mechanical and fire-retardant properties of composites .

    纤维长度、产品密度、 岩棉 纤维用量是影响复合板材力学性能和阻燃性能的主要因素;