


  • Extraction of total flavone from sweet-scented osmanthus and its in-vitro antioxidation property


  • In the meadow with the rows of sweet-scented hay through which he had ridden the day before there lay motionless across the rows one soldier with his shako off and his head thrown awkwardly back .

    就在他昨天骑马经过的,摆着一排排 芳香的干草的草地上,一个士兵一动不动地横躺在干草旁,不自然地歪扭着头,军帽掉在一旁。

  • Sweet-scented osmanthus tree is not only high but also to flourish in the leaves were bright green .


  • Sweet-scented thymes and blushing anemones spread over the verdure in delicate bloom and filled the air with their fragrance .


  • Together with the sweet-scented osmanthus turn in the store for a long time no appropriate .


  • The Xianning sweet-scented osmanthus cultivation history is glorious Xianan District presently also has the few millennium ancient sweet osmanthus .

    咸宁市 桂花栽培历史悠久,咸安区现还有少量千年古桂。

  • Cecil cool so charming the sweet-scented osmanthus in autumn withdrew earlier stage .

    丝丝凉凉,让娇美的 桂花早些退下了秋的舞台。

  • Still grows the vivacious lilac a generation after the door and lintel and the sill are gone unfolding its sweet-scented flowers each spring to be plucked by the musing traveller ;

    而在门框,门楣,门槛都消失了一世代之后,生机勃勃的丁香花还是生长着,每年春天展开它的 芳香的花朵,给沉思的旅行者去摘;

  • Sweet-scented osmanthus tree is a kind of evergreen broad-leaved trees a wild there are people planted it is very low branches do not have too many branches is basically only one trunk .


  • Its main ingredients were pine nuts peach kernels sweet-scented osmanthus sugar and some Tuckahoe powders .

    制作的主要材料有松仁儿,桃仁儿, 桂花,白糖以及茯苓粉。

  • Although commonplace is brought to the mountain outside I do not have rose 's gorgeous sweet-scented osmanthus 's fragrance peony 's riches and honor flowered I only am set off .

    虽然不起眼还是被带到山外,我没有玫瑰的艳丽, 桂花的香味,牡丹的富贵,花从中我只是陪衬。

  • That Youth 's sweet-scented manuscript should close !

    的青年 时代 篇要 掩闭

  • For bush of fallen leaves of sweet-scented osmanthus family or small tree .


  • Study of Veneration-day Influence on Bolting and Flowering of Heading Chinese Cabbage and Non-heading Chinese Cabbage According to observations many sweet-scented osmanthus now have buds and will bloom soon .

    春化天数对大白菜、小白菜现蕾和开花的影响据观察,不少 公园的桂花现在也已经结出花蕾,不日也将开放。

  • European plant with racemes of sweet-scented flowers ; widely cultivated as an ornamental .

    多花 芳香 欧洲植物;作为装饰用。

  • He can brave a moonlight walk adown sweet-scented lanes or a twilight pull among the somber rushes .

    他敢于在香气袭人的小径上月下漫步, 也敢在黄昏时分在阴暗的草丛中摸索前行。

  • With enchanting fragrance sweet-scented osmanthus can relax the tense mood and ease arthralgia and stomachache .

    香气迷人,可缓和紧张情绪。可 纾解关节痛、胃痛。

  • Using lotus root as main material a new processing technology of soft-packed of sweet-scented osmanthus sticky rice sugar lotus root was studied by orthogonal single factor and contrast test .

    以莲藕为主要原料,通过正交实验、单因素实验及对比实验,研究了软包装 桂花糯米糖藕加工的新工艺。

  • They rode together through the sweet-scented woods where the green boughs touched their shoulders and the little birds sang among the fresh leaves .

    他们走过 香气 扑鼻的树林,绿色的树枝扫过他们的肩膀,鸟儿在新鲜的叶子后面唱着歌。

  • This is my favorite sweet-scented osmanthus trees strong beautiful sweet-scented osmanthus trees .

    这就是我喜欢的 桂花树,刚强,好看的桂花树。

  • The sweet-scented birk shades my Mary and me .


  • The moon a good round Yeah there is Chang 's home I seem to see Chang sister in dance as if to smell the scent sweet-scented osmanthus .

    天上的月亮好圆呀,那里是嫦娥的家,我仿佛看到嫦娥姐姐在翩翩起舞,仿佛闻到 桂花 香。

  • Spring the sweet-scented osmanthus trees grow in fresh green leaves of spring and the girl to the sweet-scented osmanthus trees wear green clothes so that whole tree seems less of a vibrant look .

    春季, 桂花树长出了鲜嫩的绿叶,春姑娘给桂花树穿上了绿颜色的衣服,使整棵树看起来显得那末的生意精神旺盛。

  • While the cold wind is so but the sweet-scented osmanthus trees are still less of the green .

    固然寒风是那 的冷冽,不过 桂花树依旧那 的深绿。

  • Pickled green mustard pear in half shred mix with sugar sweet-scented osmanthus and raisins color taste superb .

    盐渍绿榨菜、鸭梨各半,切丝,拌以白糖、 桂花和葡萄干、色味俱佳。

  • High quality maternal draff could produce full-bodied tasteful and sweet-scented liquor .

    优良的母糟产酒醇厚、丰满、 余香

  • Characteristics : grumous scent cool and sweet-scented long spikes appear purple some types of stems and leaves appear red purple .

    香味特征:香味浓厚,清凉且 芳香,长长的花穗呈紫色,某些种类茎叶为红紫色。

  • According to observations many sweet-scented osmanthus now have buds and will bloom soon .

    据观察,不少 公园的桂花现在也已经结出花蕾,不日也将开放。

  • And outside the palace there was a sweet-scented osmanthus tree and a lumberjack called Wu Gang .

    月宫外,还有一 桂花树和一个叫吴刚的伐树人。

  • Some say sweet-scented shaving soap soothes sore skin .

    有人说 刮脸香皂能减轻皮肤炎症。