switch on

[swɪtʃ ɑn][switʃ ɔn]


  • Unplug the wire harness connector from the low pressure cycling clutch switch on the top of the accumulator .

    从蓄压器顶部的低压循环离合器 开关 拔下线束接头。

  • The next step was to pinpoint how one EGFR kinase domain would switch on another .

    下一步是精确地研究一个EGFR激酶结构域是如何 开启另外一个激酶的。

  • What happens when you switch on a computer ?

    当你 开启电脑时,它发生了什么?

  • Turn band switch on the basis of actual need and choose suitable open and close speed .

    根据实际需要,转动波段 开关,选择合适的开启、闭合的速度。

  • Don 't worry ; he 'll have forgotten to switch on the answering machine .

    别担心;他大概忘了把电话答录机 打开

  • When you switch on the light in the bathroom the extractor fan switch on .

    当你 打开浴室里的灯时,换气扇就启动了。

  • You switch on wait until the screen turns green push in the disk and there you are !

    打开 开关,等屏幕变成绿色,把磁盘推进去就行了!

  • The switch on this kind of fire extinguisher opens up automatically .

    这种灭火器的 开关能自动开启。

  • Using a tour-position selector switch on the control box each gunner can fire up to four missiles consecutively .

    使用 控制盒子 的一个循环-位置选择 开关,每个炮手能连续地发射四枚导弹。

  • There 's no problem here except you forgot to switch on the machine .

    这儿没问题啊,只是你忘了 打开机器了。

  • Just put the plug in the socket and switch on the machine . mix in with cutting motions .

    只需将插头插入插座并 开动机器 行了。用插入的动作使混合。

  • Just press the switch on your arm rest .

    您按一下扶手 的那个 开关 行了。

  • You can switch on any or both modes to collect the data .

    您可以 打开任何一种模式或者同时 打开两种模式以收集数据。

  • Unlock the vehicle and switch on the radio again .

    将车辆解锁并再次 打开收音机。

  • You switch on your pc you travel to websites without taking a train to London or anywhere .


  • Main Electric Circuit Ignition : Use the mouse pointer to turn-on the ignition switch on the dashboard .

    主电路点火:使用鼠标指针,以投票就点火 开关 仪表盘。

  • If the radio still does not switch on after this procedure proceed in accordance with the technical manual .

    如果该程序后还是不能 打开收音机,请按照技术手册操作。

  • He pointed the light at his feet and tried to switch it on .

    他把灯对准自己的脚,试图 打开它。

  • This is done as insert the plug and switch on the power .

    按下述方法进行:插上插头, 打开电源。

  • Current flowing in one circuit can switch on and off a current in a second circuit .

    当电流在一个线路中流动同时 关闭另一个线路。

  • Remember when you switch on the television you are switching off your child 's mind .

    记住,当你 打开电视的时候,你关掉了孩子的心智。

  • He snatched up the receiver and his free hand groped for the switch on the bedside lamp

    他一只手抓起电话听筒, 一只手去摸床头灯的 开关

  • Push and hold the front of the master door lock switch on the driver 's door .

    推挤并且拿着主要门锁 开关的前面 司机的门。

  • The switch on the kettle won 't stay down .

    这个水壶 开关按下时卡不住了。

  • He didn 't bother to switch on the light .

    他懒得去 开灯

  • When I 'm afraid I switch on the right .

    当我害怕时,我 打开 开关

  • His switch on abortion cost him the election .

    堕胎问题上的 转变使他赢得了竞选。

  • Many people switch on the television simply to stave off boredom over the Christmas break

    很多人 打开电视仅仅是为了打发圣诞节休息期间的无聊时光而已。

  • Every time I switch on the TV there 's football . It 's overkill

    我每次 打开电视都是足球节目,真是受不了。

  • She emptied both their mugs and switched on the electric kettle

    她把他们俩的杯子倒空,烧 了电水壶。