switch cubicle

[swɪtʃ ˈkjubɪkəl][switʃ ˈkju:bɪkəl]

[机] 开关箱

  • This article describes the cause of trip occuring in quick switching off protective override up to power distribution switch cubicle in the master substation dedicated to steel-making production technical measures for solving problems implementing process and effects .

    本文介绍了舞钢90t电弧炉35kV供电系统存在的速断保护越级至炼钢总 配出 开关 跳闸的原因,解决问题的技术措施,实施过程及效果。

  • GIS is an Optimized Option for 35 kV Switch Cubicle of Power Supply System in Urban Mass Transit

    GIS是城轨交通供电系统35kV 开关 的更好选择

  • Switch cubicle has been widely used in switchgear substation and switchgear house .

    开关 广泛应用于变电站、开闭所。

  • Development of Intermediate Voltage Apparatus and the Brief Introduction of Intelligent Switch cubicle

    中压电器行业动态及智能 开关 简介

  • Talking about a Few Words about Design of 10 kV High Voltage Switch Cubicle

    浅谈10kV高压 开关 设计的几点体会

  • Effects of inverse Installation of First Phase Sequence of Transformer Switch Cubicle on Difference Pretection and the Anti Measures

    变压器 开关 一次相序装反对差动保护的影响及对策

  • Talking about Improvement of Mid-set HV Switch Cubicle Earth

    浅谈中置式高压 开关 接地方式的改进

  • Analysis and Disposal of the Discharging in 12 kV Switch Cubicle

    12kV 开关 内部放电的分析与处理

  • The Evolution of Medium Voltage Switch Cubicle and Its Insulation Technique

    中压 开关 的演化及其绝缘技术

  • The technological improvements of vacuum circuit breakers based on high voltage switch cubicle of GG-1A

    基于GG-1A高压 开关 中真空断路器的技术改进

  • Isolating switch for main silicon rectifier cubicle

    主硅整流 隔离 开关