switch gap

[swɪtʃ ɡæp][switʃ ɡæp]


  • When opening the switch blade is swung upward roughly 90 creating a long simple gap in air . A gate or ball type valve can be used or the isolation valve can be installed further upstream .

    隔离 开关分闸时,闸刀片向上转过大约90,形成一个简明的长空气 间隙。可以采用闸阀或球阀,或者可以将隔离阀安装在更上游的地方。

  • The purpose of Gap Technology is switch data between networks in security under the physical gap .

    网闸技术其宗旨就是在物理 隔离的情况下,逻辑实现网络间的安全数据 交换

  • The parameters which affect the hold off voltage of the one stage pseudo spark switch such as the working gas the pressure the gap distance and the hole diameter of the electrodes have been studied .

    对影响单级赝火花 开关耐受电压的主要因素,如工作气体、气压、极 间隙和孔径等进行了系统的研究。

  • The rise time of the output voltage of the high pressure subnanosecond N_2 switch ranges 145 ~ 190 ps and decreases as N_2 pressure and gap distance increases .

    开关输出电压波形的上升时间变化范围为145~190ps,该上升时间随气压、击穿电场以及 间隙距离增大而减小。

  • When the planar spark gap switch substitutes for the stereo spark gap with hemispherical electrodes used in the exploding foil initiator the parameters in the circuit are optimized obviously .

    将之替代立体式(半球形电极) 火花 三电极 开关并应用于爆炸箔起爆装置中,装置回路参数将得以优化。

  • The software design in alarm system for exceeding the standard of switch machine gap

    道岔 缺口超标报警系统中的软件设计

  • Optimizing design of sub-nanosecond gas switch with adjustable gap

    可调 间隙亚纳秒气体 开关的优化设计

  • The output switch is a spark gap of which two electrodes are made of high density graphite and the reliability of its working is largely determined by the stability of trigger system .

    能源模块 使用的主放电 开关为石墨型两电极气体火花 开关,它工作的可靠性在很大程度上是由触发系统的稳定性决定的。

  • The performance of switch gap varying from 0.15 mm to 0.40 mm was studied and an automatic test platform for long duration life time testing was designed .

    设计了长寿命实验的自动测试实验台,并进行1500次的 开关循环实验,证明此装置的可靠性。

  • There have some abnormal phenomenal that the vacuum switch often refused departing and combining burned out gap switching and looping equipment of relay protection the switch jumped after changing the task .

    改换工作后,真空 断路 常发生拒分、拒合、 烧坏合闸线圈和继电保护回路设备等问题,以及断路器跳跃、分合震动大等反常现象。

  • Behaviours of three electrode spark gap switch rail gap switch and surface disch-arge switch are introduced and practical operating circuit is illustrated .

    介绍了三电极火花隙 开关、轨道形开关及表面放电开关的特点,例举了实用的工作电路,为高压火花 开关的设计提供了参考。

  • And then by testing and analyzing the border switch we deduce the gap analyzing method .

    然后,通过对边缘 交换机的测试和分析,给出了网 的分解方法。

  • The conventional approach in Pulsed Power designs is to use a gas switch such as a thyratron ignitron or spark gap . However these devices have limited lifetime high cost low repetition rate and high losses .

    常用的传统 开关有闸流管、引燃管和火花 间隙 开关等,这些开关受限于它们的使用寿命、高成本、低重复频率和高损耗等。