swine plague

[swaɪn pleɡ][swaɪn pleiɡ]


  • Diagnosis and Therapy of Hog Cholera Mixed with Swine Plague and Eperythrozoonosis

    猪瘟 猪肺 附红细胞体混合感染的诊治

  • So is this new swine flu outbreak the next great plague or just a global spasm of paranoia ?

    这次 流感病毒的爆发是新的 瘟疫 蔓延,还是仅是全球恐慌心理发作?

  • We suggest that swine be as a indicative animal in the domestic rat plague foci .

    因此,认为 可作为 家鼠 鼠疫疫源地的指示动物。

  • Paratyphoid can occur throughout the year and cause mixed infections with swine plague . S.Choleraesuis could cause high morbidity and mortality resulting in significant losses .

    仔猪副伤寒可一年四季发生,多与 猪瘟混合感染,具有较高发病率与死亡率,可造成重大损失。

  • Porcine Contagious Pleuropneumonia and Swine Lung Plague as common bacterial infections of pigs often have mixed or secondary infection at respiratory tract making great damage to aquaculture .

    猪传染性胸膜肺炎与 猪肺 为猪场常见细菌性呼吸道传染病,常呈混合或继发感染,给养猪业带来巨大危害。

  • The pandemic was brought about by what is known as H1N1 virus the very same kind which set off the swine flu plague 3 years ago that caused threat and panic to the people .

    这种流行病是由一种被称为H1N1病毒引发的。3年前由同一种病毒引发的 流感 瘟疫给人类造成威胁和恐慌。