abbr.standard wire ga(u)ge 标准线规

  • Now it is true that we 're bringing Rational forward within the much broader context of SWG but that 's the primary reason Mike thought the Rational acquisition was a great idea in the first place .

    现在,我们确实是在更广阔的 SWG环境里带Rational前进,而这是Mike认为Rational收购首先是个好主意的主要原因。

  • To insure a high SNR for calibrating voltage dividers a high voltage Square Wave Generator ( SWG ) is ideal to be the source .

    为了保证实验标定时分压器输出信号有较高的信噪比,最理想的是利用高压 方波发生器作为方波源。

  • Based on RCWT a combination method of multi-dimension enumeration and local ( global ) optimization is presented to design SWG achromatic phase retarder over broadband spectrum such as wide spectral range narrow spectral range or large-interval discrete wavelengths .

    研究了采用严格耦合波理论设计亚波长光栅实现宽光谱、窄光谱及大间隔离散多波长 消色散位相延迟功能的原理与方法。

  • The difference of the high concentration H_2O_2 bleaching process between SWG and TMP

    磨石 木浆 预热 木片 木浆高浓H202漂白工艺的差异

  • When I began working for Steve Mills in IBM Software Group SWG w_91 I spent the first three years focused solely on IBM 's application development business .

    当我开始在IBM软件集团SWG w_115为SteveMills工作时,我花费第一个三年时间完全致力于IBM的应用程序开发业务。

  • Yet the police are invariably unable or unwilling to buy swg credits intervene against a large mob .

    然而, 自始至终,警察 要么是没有能力,要么是不想同大群 暴民 对。

  • SWG boasts excellent facilities from its inception such as superb imported equipments exquisite moulds and professional technologies .

    上车 集团起点高,一流的进口设备与模具、 精湛的工艺。

  • The reflection spectrum of concentric circular SWG is simulated and calculated .

    仿真计算同心环形 SWG的反射谱。

  • He is currently working in the SWG Strategy and Technology department with a focus on SOA and composite applications .

    他当前在 SWG Strategy and Technology部门工作, 工作重点是SOA和组合应用程序。