switch operations


  • The Transient Electromagnetic Interference Caused by Switch Operations at Substation

    变电站 开关 操作所造成的暂态电磁干扰

  • Reports suggest that problems before the crash with had forced a switch to manual operations .

    由于信号故障, 不得不 使用人工发生。

  • This method takes the switch operations for CMOS circuits through the active functions of neurons and takes the neural network 's k-map and the minterm suppression into consideration .

    该方法通过神经元激活函数推导 开关级电路的 开关函数,同时引入神经网络中卡诺图化简和最小项限制的化简方法。

  • It adopts pedal air pressure control switch which is even easier and suitable for all kings of operations .

    采用脚踏板式控制气压 开关喷胶, 操作方便实用。

  • By the solving reiteration of main and sub-problem it finally gets an optimal maintenance schedule with the least electricity sell loss and an optimal load transfer plan with the least load loss switch operations and transmission loss .

    通过主问题和子问题的反复优化迭代,最终获得供电企业售电损失最小的检修计划以及停电负荷、 开关 操作 次数和系统网损最小的负荷转移方案。

  • In the air isolated substations as one of the routine switch operations isolator operation is the main source of the EMI in substations .

    在空气绝缘变电站中,作为常规 开关 操作之一的隔离开关操作是变电站内重要的电磁干扰源。

  • Therefore during manipulation one has to frequently switch between imaging mode and manipulation mode costing a lot of time and operations . Besides the AFM scanning is inherently slow due to the raster scanning pattern . ( 2 ) There are thermal drifts .

    因此在操纵过程中需要不断的在操纵模式和成像模式之间 切换,耗费大量的 操作和时间;此外原子力显微镜栅格扫描模式本身也存在成像速度较慢的问题;(2)设备本身存在热漂移。

  • A new method to compare the size of two interval numbers of power loss is proposed with which we can measure the degree of optimization when considering load uncertainty for a new configuration formed by switch operations in comparison with initial one .

    提出了 种新的比较网损区间大小的方法,可对负荷不确定性的 网络重构的结构优化可能性程度进行度量。

  • In summary based on MEMS technology we research the MEMS switch of operations principles simulations design fabrications tests and package .

    本文以射频/微波MEMS接触式 开关这一重要的微波器件为研究对象,对该器件 工作原理、模拟、设计、加工、测试到封装进行了较全面的研究。

  • When this switch is in local control state the regulator accepts the operation commands on the screen and the operations on the remote control station are invalid .

    当此 开关置于本地控制状态,此励磁调节装置接受本地操作命令,遥控 操作失效。

  • This took place in the main break with the cable route you can manually or automatically switch the way to resume operations .

    这样在主用光缆路由发生中断时,可以通过人工或自动的方式进行 切换,恢复 业务

  • Heuristic rules are often used in fault restoration scheme for required switch operations but efficient or suitable scheme is often beyond human intelligence when system is complex .

    在确定故障恢复方案时,调度人员常采用启发式规则来确定所要进行的 开关 操作,但是当系统较为复杂时,依靠人工判断很难得到合适的故障恢复方案。

  • The switch ! ' supports 10M / 100M automatic negotiate half-duplex and full-duplex mode operations line switching flow control address learning and port-based VLAN etc.

    交换机支持10M/100M自动协商,半双工和全双工模式,实现了无阻塞 全线速交换,支持流量控制,错帧和广播、多播帧的过滤,支持基于端口的VLAN。

  • In some cases such as encountered new start switch upgrade routine inspection and failure alarm dial test requires a network operations center staff measured manually dial call to test the line .

    在某些情况下,如遇到新开局、 交换机升级、例行巡检以及出现故障告警时,需要网络 操作中心的拨测人员进行人工拨测的方式,进行呼叫,来检验线路情况。

  • The touch screen helps save some traditional button switch and keyboard operations so the new panel becomes more easy and convenient to operate .

    同时,触摸屏的采用,省去了传统的按钮、 开关及键盘 操作模式,使操作更加方便简洁、自然。