

n.<非正> <英>(儿语或用于对儿童说话时)糖果(用于称呼自己喜欢或所爱的人)亲爱的好心人热心肠的人

  • Talking to sweetie but on a wrong topic annoyed her .


  • Gemini : You love to do the talking but let your sweetie share some words too .

    双子座:你很爱说,但也要让你的 情人 上几句。

  • Plus you can marry your sweetie while you 're there .

    并在那和你所 结婚

  • Give me your water and your hankie sweetie .


  • Hey Sweetie see I made lunch for you !

    喂, 小甜甜,看我给你做的午饭!

  • Sweetie I am just trying to protect you .


  • Mom : Sweetie you are sure you want to do this ?


  • Your sweetie will begin to think your messages are more important than them .

    你的 情人会开始认为你收到的信息比他 / 更重要。

  • Sweetie sorry should be said by me instead of you .


  • Sweetie I wanted you to have him too .


  • I think your mom needs a word with me sweetie .

    我想你妈妈想和我谈一谈, 甜心

  • Goodnight now sweetie I 'll miss you so much but I 'll see you next week !


  • Of course you don 't sweetie . you 're brand new .

    当然了 亲爱的,你是全新的。

  • Be sure to find out what your sweetie wants too .

    但也一定要弄清楚你的 情人想要什么。

  • Ok listen sweetie . I 'm sorry I really don 't mean to be rude .

    行了,听着, 亲爱的,我很抱歉,我真的不想失礼。

  • I think it 's time for a nippy sweetie !

    我认为该吃 点心了。

  • He might call you sweetie or sweetheart .

    他会叫你 亲爱 ,或者“小甜甜

  • Ben : No sweetie I 'm not smoking . Why ?

    没有, 亲爱的,我没抽烟,怎么了?

  • Mom : What 's the matter sweetie ? You look a little upset .

    怎么了, 宝贝儿?你看上去有点儿不高兴。

  • Can I ask you something sweetie ?

    我能问你些事情吗, 甜心

  • Come on sweetie . I just want to have you alone for a second .

    过来, 亲爱的,我想和你单独待一下。

  • Fred : I think you just found your closing sweetie .

    我想你已经有你的结案陈词了, 亲爱的。

  • I got her sweetie . she 's dead .

    我把事情 解决了,她也死了。

  • Good night sweetie I 'm going to bed .


  • Matt : that was so cool sweetie how do you feel ?

    马特:太爽了, 亲爱的,你怎么样?

  • She has all the glee of a little girl let loose in a sweetie shop

    她像 糖果店里无人管束的小女孩那样兴高采烈。

  • Yes sweetie . I 'm so happy .

    当然了, 亲爱的。我太高兴了。