


  • Known for his swiftness and athleticism Hermes was given credit for inventing foot-racing and boxing .

    赫密士以 速度和运动闻名,他又发明了竞走鞋和拳击。

  • There is psychological pleasure in this take-off too for the swiftness of the plane 's ascent is an exemplary symbol of transformation .

    飞机起飞也会给我们带来心灵上的愉悦,因为飞机的 迅速升空是腾飞巨变的极佳象征。

  • Feline Swiftness – This talent no longer increases your movement speed while prowled .


  • Although they lack exceptional strength and defence thanks to their swiftness and agility a rogue manages to avoid most trouble .

    虽然他们缺乏特殊的力量和防御,由于他们的 速度和敏捷性的一个无赖管理,以避免最麻烦。

  • Swiftness and violence that website develops also be that up to but be born in though convenient much industry but simultaneous safety snakes in the grass .

    网站发展的 迅猛,虽然方便了很多行业,但同时安全隐患也随之而生。

  • Nature 's Grace : You will no longer consume this effect when casting a spell which was made instant by Nature 's Swiftness .

    自然赐福: 触发 这个 特效之后 .使用自然 迅捷 施放的法术将不消耗此特效。

  • Swiftness with proper positioning ;

    移动 迅速位恰当;

  • I craved swiftness unimpeded action fluidity and amorphous New .

    我渴望 快捷、不受阻碍的行动、流动性以及 难以名状的新奇。

  • Relating to or having characteristics ( eloquence shrewdness swiftness thievishness ) attributed to the god Mercury .

    具有墨丘利神所具备的善辩、精明、 敏捷和鬼祟特点。

  • To start with the swiftness and real time characteristics of the computerized trade a variety of risks and harmfulness are analyzed such as communication delay decision-making hackers viruses and the poor management in internal staff .

    笔者从计算机的 速度 ,交易实时性的特点入手,对信息滞后和决策、黑客和病毒、内部人员的管理不善等各种风险和危害进行了分析;

  • The fingers were curved like talons but they closed on empty air . Swiftness and certitude require strength and the man had not this strength .

    他的手指弯曲得就像鹰爪一样,可是他却抓了一个空, 敏捷和准确是需要力气的,而他偏偏就没有力气。

  • When you can start to see know and feel that Oneness through your God mind then you will find that you will move in swiftness into a knowing of your Oneness with Me .

    当你能够开始通过你的神性意识看到,认识到,感觉到那种一体,然后你将发现,你会迅速 进入与我( Me)一体的认知。

  • Swiftness and clarity he says were his guiding principles ; to which he has added wit and invention .

    尔曼认为, 一气呵成和表达清晰是他的 翻译指导原则,另外他也加入了自己的见解和创作。

  • The management environment that economic globalization and the IT swiftness and violence develop to the multinational corporation has brought about significant change .

    摘要经济全球化和信息 技术 迅猛发展给跨国公司的经营环境带来了重大变化。

  • I would go flying through the air with dizzying swiftness .

    我会 眼花缭乱 从天空中飞 过来

  • He was famous for the swiftness of his movements .

    他以 行军 神出鬼没 著称

  • The characteristics of Five-element Broadsword are : concise methods prominent strength swiftness and valour practical skillful attack .

    五行刀的特点是:方法简洁、劲力突出, 快捷勇猛,技击实用。

  • In the head tracking experiment the method discussed in this paper performs well in fast and accurate tracking of moving object and also has a high quality of anti - jamming which could basically meet the requirement of robustness and swiftness .

    在头部跟踪实验过程中,该文算法跟踪移动目标的实时性和准确性比较好,抗干扰能力较强,基本上可以满足鲁棒性和 快速 的要求。

  • Towards warranty machine Uses good parts replace consumer have breakdown bad Swiftness Abbreviates consumer 's service time .

    对于保修机,用好的部件替换用户有故障的坏件, ,缩短客户的维修时间。

  • He must rely on swiftness of thought accuracy his judgment and nothing else .

    就是应该依靠 敏捷的思想,正确的 眼光,自己的判断力,而不能依靠别的什么东西。

  • As one of the earliest Internet services e-mail has changed the way people exchange message so that the exchanges between the people become an unprecedented swiftness .

    作为应用最早的互联网服务之一,电子邮件的出现大大改变了人们交换信息的方式,使人们之间的交流变得前所未有的 迅捷

  • The charms of the passing stranger are generally in direct ratio to the swiftness of our passage . From Electra to Narcissus : A Reading of Father and I and Letter from an Unknown Woman ;

    萍水相逢的陌生人之恋的魅力,跟过程的 迅速短暂成正比。从恋父到自恋&解读《我和爸爸》和《一个陌生女人的来信》

  • The bat is flying with swiftness .


  • Pity that the stags cannot teach swiftness to the turtles .

    真遗憾, 牡鹿无法教会乌龟 快走

  • The results showed that : ( 1 ) The high or low in swiftness could be distinguished through average fixation duration average saccade amplitude and fixation counts .

    结果表明:(1) 机敏 轻灵 维度 高低可以从平均注视持续时间、平均眼跳幅度和注视次数三个眼动特征上加以区分;

  • Swiftness means fast got it ?


  • Tree of life form : the tooltip has been corrected to indicate nature 's swiftness and rebirth are castable in this form .

    “树人形态”:技能说明已改正以说明“自然 迅捷”和“重生”能在该形态下施放。

  • The progress of the Greeks in the realm of art was amazing in its swiftness .

    在艺术领域里,希腊人的进步 令人 惊异

  • Top students ' main external displaying characteristics of is swiftness of thoughts .

    优等生 数学 思维的最主要的外在表现特征是思维的 敏捷